Massage - a combination of pleasant and useful

14 June 2022, 02:26 | Health
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Massage - a combination of pleasant and useful Many of us deny ourselves such pleasure as massage. And very in vain! After all, this is not just relaxation for the soul, but also a huge benefit for the body.. So, if you decide to present a gift to your body and at the same time normalize your psycho-emotional state (which is especially important now), then feel free to go to the nearest Spa salon. About what massages are available in Kyiv and how they are, in fact, useful, let's try to figure it out below.

Benefit and no harm... Due to its all-encompassing function, massage is considered one of the main wellness treatments. It not only has a positive effect on our health, but on our well-being and mood.. The benefits of massage are so huge that it is almost impossible to list all the advantages of the procedure.. But it is possible to identify the main. These include:.

• benefits for the skin (oxygenates it, cleanses it of dead cells, improves blood circulation, etc.).

• benefits for the nervous system (calms, relieves nervous tension);

• benefits for muscles (improves joint mobility, simulates blood flow to the muscles, and also improves their work);

• benefits for blood vessels (reduces congestion in the body, improves blood quality, reduces the load on the heart).

The above "

Massage Styles for Different Needs Massage is a Healing Treatment. In addition to general massage, there are many other types of it.. Among the most common are the following:.

anti-stress. It helps to cope with stress and tension in the spine and shoulder area..

Anti-cellulite. This massage is effective in terms of burning fat cells, as well as reducing the "

aromatherapy. Massage is done using various aromatic oils to meet the specific needs of the patient (in particular, relieve certain pain sensations).

Stone massage. The procedure involves the use of hot stones.

They are laid out on “problem” zones, which allows you to relax the body and calm the nervous system..

This list is far from complete.. But separately it is worth noting therapeutic massage. It is used to eliminate various diseases - scoliosis, osteochondrosis, joint pain, etc.. Before carrying out such a massage, the patient should definitely consult with the attending physician. Indeed, in the phrase " And as we know, in no case should you engage in self-treatment, even if we are talking about such a harmless procedure as massage.


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