Kavun chi dinya: yak berry is more beneficial for the body

29 May 2022, 17:03 | Health
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Yaku melancholy to give kavuni ta dini for health.

The season of kavuniv and the ding has already begun, everyone hurried to the store for their purchase, even if the stench is not only to waste in there, but still to bring melancholy to the body. Few people know that we are more likely to eat, kavun chi dinya, even in our warehouse the stench is practically the same, informing Ukr. media.

Yaku melancholy to give kavuni for the body of a person Kavun is mainly composed of water and may have a low calorie content. Kavuni does not have fat, that wine is dietary, often stop yoga in order to make a profitable day.

Kavun is rich in all vitamins, but it is best to take revenge on ascorbic acid. Carotene, tocopherol, as well as vitamins A, C and E themselves are present in kavun, are powerful antioxidants, which increase the power of the body and do not allow the body to age. Vitamins of the group B to calm the mind of the nervous system, and take part in the rich exchange processes.

Cream of vitamins in kavun є rich in mineral speeches, which help with deficiencies, ailments of the vessels and heart, liver and nirok. So the very mineral speech allows you to save the acid-lubric balance.

The berry has a lot of cells, brown zukri, pectin and organic acids.

Trample the great greed of the kavun, in deyaky varto vіdmovitys vіd yogo vіdvannija. Kavun building damage kolіt, i viklikati rozlad. tim.

It’s practically the same for a man’s warehouse. Dinya є rich calorie nizh kavun. The dino variety plays an important role, the succulent varieties are not so watery and may have a high energy value.

Dina has significantly more vitamin C lower in kavun. Vitamins of the B group in the same way, in dimly, ale in the increased concentration, the same amount of carotene.

The mineral complex near the ding is thicker, lower near the kavuniv. Berries have vital micro and macro elements, such as: rubidium, silicon and cobalt. Silicon sprite preserves the practicality of vessels, improves immunity, preserves hormonal balance and does not give aging.

Cobalt pleasantly blends in with the nervous system, the work of the subcutaneous layer, the growth of hair and helps to accumulate vitamins A and C. Rubid building to improve the work of the heart and vessels, changing the frequency of allergic reactions, improving immunity and improving blood circulation.

Trample the great mischief of the dina, її it’s not possible to їsti tim, who suffers from bloody diabetes and can’t get the sickness of the slug.

Skoda dini and kavun for the body It is recommended to take 2 kg of kavun every day. Great vindictiveness is due to intoxications, ailments of the liver and liver, as well as in case of undercrowding. Kavun can be vicorated in the main diet when you enter the vase. So the building kavun itself turns into migraines, for which you need to report fresh picks from kavun for 20-30 minutes.

Doctors recommend to live 500-800 grams of pulp per day. Vaughn nadaє melancholy in atherosclerosis, nedokrіv'ї, heart-sudial ailments. Dinya good cleans the intestines and eliminate all toxins.

Regardless of the great number of jubilant authorities, which are found in berries, they still have a lot of fructose, so people with diabetes should not be loaded with fruits.

It is best to plant berries between the main priymannyami їzhі, shards of stench do not eat rich food.

aspect. net.

Based on materials: aspekty.net

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