What is gastritis and how does it manifest itself

28 May 2022, 09:55 | Health
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Tsya ailment causing people a little discomfort.

Gastritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane. The ailment can develop for a long time and be brought before the appearance of a virazka. Gastritis can be caused both in people of the summer age, and in young people. Symptoms can be different: liver, pain in the mouth, nausea, vomit, liver, apparent heaviness in the throat, decreased appetite, swelling on the tongue, metal mucus and dryness in the mouth. Also, symptoms of gastritis can be confusion, weakness, excess gas production, disturbed sleep, mlyavist, vtom, accelerated heartbeat. If the projection of the duct can signal not about the disease of the mucosal-intestinal tract, but about the heart-vascular disease, Ukr informs. Media.

What is gastritis?

Causes of gastritis can be subdivided into internal and external. To lie down to the first: genetic weakness to ailment, malnutrition in the stools (duodenal reflux) and autoimmune processes. To others - bacteria, alcohol poisoning, how to avenge ethanol, which destabilizes the acid-lubric balance and improves metabolic processes in the body, fatty poisoning, lubricated and spicy food, fast food, often administering some medications, stress, sometimes not ailing. Internal causes also lie: nirkov deficiency, endocrine pathology, hypotaminosis, colitis.

Acute gastritis - how it manifests itself?

Acute gastritis has acute first signs: tedium, vomit, trembling, pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mucus, broken deformity, specific mucus in the mouth, increased gas production, apparent bloating and heaviness, vomit, vagi, drowsiness.

For the presence of the above listed signs, it is recommended to go to the doctor for diagnostics.

Control eating If you have been diagnosed with gastritis, then, first of all, look at your diet. It is necessary to include legumes, radishes, mushrooms, sorrel, alcohol, syrup fruits, berries and vegetables. Take the food you need about five times a day in small portions. I don't want to drink. Add low-fat varieties of meat, steamed vegetables, baked fruits to your diet.

aspect. net.

Based on materials: aspekty.net

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