Doctors have found a way to quit smoking

26 May 2022, 11:49 | Health
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Despite the phrase “nicotine addiction”, the habit of smoking is often dictated not by physiology at all, but by psychological addiction to the ritual of smoking.. That is why giving up cigarettes requires maximum self-control and awareness.. Read on to find out how to achieve this, and why "

Imaginary addiction.

According to the psychotherapist Timur Moldagaliev, smoking is one of the manifestations of neurosis. In this regard, it can be compared with the habit of biting your nails or constantly smoothing your hair.. It is the neurotic component that makes the smoker feel awkward when he has free time.. A cigarette in such a case is a great way to create the illusion that a person is busy with something.. “Of course,” says the doctor, “it cannot be denied that the cigarette affects the autonomic nervous system, according to the online edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net However, this effect is not at all as strong as smokers often make it out to be.. They think that tobacco calms, but this is an imaginary effect.! During smoking, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, blood vessels constrict, and the nervous system goes into a state of extreme excitement.. By the way, this is why smokers have such a high risk of heart attacks and strokes.. After all, along with stress, which already strikes the body, smoking destabilizes the vascular system.. As a result, the heart and brain experience a double load.”.

Once and forever!

As in the case of alcohol or drugs, if you want to quit cigarettes, you should not ask yourself whether to quit abruptly or gradually.. Many smokers, having decided to stop, go to the trick, starting to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke in the hope that one day they will stop smoking altogether.. Playing with yourself like this will get you nowhere.. Smoking cessation must be radical, final and irrevocable.

Honesty is the key to success.

According to the doctor, when quitting smoking, you should, first of all, be honest with yourself.. “So,” says Timur, “there are people who have reduced their consumption of cigarettes and smoke when no one sees them.. At the same time, they sincerely believe that they have abandoned. There are also those who, after quitting cigarettes, specifically choose companies that smoke in order to breathe in tobacco smoke.. If such a person is “convicted” of passive smoking, he will completely deny that he does it on purpose..

Those smokers who believe that they only “dabble” in cigarettes are also deceived, and therefore they can give up this habit at any time.. On the one hand, they are really able to do without nicotine for a long time.. On the other hand, addiction to smoking is not determined by the number of cigarettes smoked.. From a medical point of view, a person who smokes 2 cigarettes a day is just as addicted as someone who smokes 10.

Difficult but possible.

You should know that people who quit smoking on their own make up only 1.5–2% of the total number of people who quit this addiction.. The rest, to one degree or another, resorted to the help of psychotherapists, psychologists or narcologists.. This does not mean at all that without outside help you will not be able to forget about cigarettes, however, in case of failure, you can always count on qualified support..

To the question of motivation.

According to the doctor, the relativity of most methods that should help quit a cigarette is due to the fact that there is no perfect formula for getting rid of this addiction.. They are different for everyone, as is the motivation for this serious step.. And in many ways they will depend on the type of personality of the person who asked for help, says Dr.. “So,” says Timur, “there are people with an explosive type of character who can, as they say, be taken “weakly”. There are also those who are easily frightened, for example, by the state of health. The psychotherapist will definitely use this.”.

By the way, it is a well-known fact that the less educated a person is, the easier it is for a doctor to rid him of smoking.. People of high intelligence, in particular, intellectual labor, are much more difficult to treat and suggest.. Motivation can be strengthened by quitting cigarettes on your own. For example, if you want to improve your health but still smoke, take up a sport that requires lung endurance.. For example, running or swimming. The desire to achieve better results over time will make you forget about smoking.

About seeds and sweets.

Among the tips for quitting smoking, the most popular advice is to replace the cigarette with another irritant.. So, it is recommended to chew gum, suck on candy, crack seeds and even hold a match in your mouth.. However, from a scientific point of view, the effectiveness of these methods is very difficult to confirm.. “To put it simply,” the doctor explains, “if a person has convinced himself that these methods help him overcome cravings for a cigarette, then there is nothing wrong with using them.. However, without faith in their effectiveness, they will be completely useless..

Take your hands.

Otherwise, it's about hobbies.. So, according to research, in the process of quitting smoking, hobbies that are associated with fine motor skills of the hands are effective.. It can be anything: wood carving, designing models of military equipment, drawing, modeling from plasticine or clay. According to the doctor, such activities activate the same nerve chains that occur in our body during the ritual of smoking.. At the same time, it is desirable that a hobby can be turned to just when there is a craving for a cigarette.. For example, you can solve a Rubik's cube if you have a free minute at work..

smoking medicine.

When quitting smoking in case of contacting a narcologist, the doctor may prescribe medication support. However, contrary to popular belief, it is not at all in nicotine patches or other means that replace cigarettes.. “The fact is,” says Timur, “that the smoker’s nervous system, which has suffered from an addiction for many years, turns out to be in a state of maladaptation when giving up cigarettes.. To deal with this, the doctor may prescribe mild tranquilizers..

They will have a calming and anti-anxiety effect and will help the body to more easily endure the initial - the most acute stage of smoking cessation.. If we talk about nicotine patches or nicotine-flavored chewing gums, then, according to the doctor, this is more a placebo than an effective way to part with a cigarette.. However, as with lozenges and seeds, if faith in this method is strong, it can also be effective..

Away influence from outside.

Another important point in quitting smoking is the need to avoid smoking environments.. At the same time, you should explain to friends and colleagues the reasons for this behavior, referring to ongoing therapy, health problems, the desire to be in better physical shape, etc.. You should not be afraid of censure from others, as a rule, the fear of being ridiculed for not wanting to “support the company” is far-fetched, and most people are sympathetic to the choice to stop smoking.

If there are several smokers in the family, it would be ideal to quit cigarettes together. As in the case of alcohol, when for the sake of " If someone from close people does not want to stop smoking " Otherwise, his example can lead to the fact that the thrower "

Caution: Stress.

As you know, stress is one of the main factors pushing a smoker to a cigarette.. including the former. According to the doctor, the aforementioned tranquilizers used by narcologists can help to cope with such a situation.. They normalize the activity of the nervous system and smooth out the effects of emotional stress.. “If a person quits smoking on his own,” advises Timur, “he can adopt breathing exercises. In rare cases, the effects of stress can be relieved by taking a small dose of alcohol.. For example, if circumstances permit, you can drink a glass of wine. The main thing is not to start abusing such a tool.. Another very effective way to deal with stress is to exercise regularly..

Cause and investigation.

According to the doctor, there is another subtlety in quitting smoking. So, one should distinguish directly between dependence on cigarettes and smoking as a way to hide one's own complexes or insecurities..

In the second case, a cigarette, cigar or pipe is not so much a necessity as part of the image.. Such people may think that smoking emphasizes their masculinity or helps them impress women.. “In this situation,” Timur explains, “it’s more correct to talk not about a habit, but about a psychological defense mechanism, so the motivation for quitting smoking will be special.”. Not a narcologist at all, but a psychotherapist or psychologist should come to the aid of such a person..

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