The harm of aluminum and Alzheimer's disease

26 May 2022, 11:14 | Health
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We all live in the “aluminum age”, therefore, the human body is contaminated with aluminum Aluminum is an integral component of modern life. This metal is found in deodorants and antiperspirants, as well as cosmetics.. Aluminum compounds are used as preservatives for food production (sausages, biscuits and even bread).!

And although over the past decades people have stopped using aluminum cookware, this metal is still a component of pipes.. We all live in the " With age, aluminum accumulates in the human body, which is harmful to its health.. In this study, scientists argue that the damage caused by aluminum to the brain can trigger Alzheimer's disease..

Aluminum and the human brain.

The bioavailability of aluminum and the ease with which aluminum enters into biochemical reactions in the human body means that aluminum is harmful. How can a person know they are suffering from chronic aluminum toxicity How confident can we be that Alzheimer's disease is not a manifestation of chronic aluminum toxicity in humans

Aluminum damage to the brain may play a role in Alzheimer's disease. The brain is both a target and a reservoir for the accumulation of aluminum in the body.. The presence of aluminum in the human brain should be an SOS warning of potential harm associated with age-related changes..

At a certain point in time, the accumulation of aluminum in the brain reaches the toxic threshold, and a particular neuron or area of \u200b\u200bthe brain can no longer cope with the presence of aluminum and begins to respond to its presence.. If the affected neuron or brain tissue has other complications or another chronic degenerative condition, then the damage caused by aluminum will enhance these effects.. Thus, aluminum can cause a specific condition, becoming more and more aggressive and harmful.. There have been cases of early onset Alzheimer's disease associated with environmental and occupational exposure to aluminum..

The accumulation of aluminum in the brain inevitably leads to its harmful effects on the physiology of the brain and, therefore, exacerbates the course of Alzheimer's disease.. Scientists propose a non-invasive method to remove aluminum from the body and brain.

The aluminum hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease can only be tested if we can reduce the accumulation of aluminum in the body (and in the brain).!

Thus, it will be possible to determine how much damage to the brain caused by aluminum can provoke Alzheimer's disease.. There are no cures or effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease.. The harm of aluminum in Alzheimer's disease can be prevented by reducing human exposure and removing aluminum from the body through non-invasive means..

global science. en.

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