Scientists have developed a test that predicts the development of diabetes in children

26 May 2022, 07:42 | Health
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This test can become one of the diagnostic tests for newborns.

An international team of scientists published a report in which they disclosed a test that could predict the onset of type 1 diabetes in newborns. Vcheni vvazhut that such a simple analysis in the future can be carried out in a standard way in a canopy booth, inform Ukr. media.

“Tis data to allow pediatricians from the very people to understand the risks of the development of unsafe illnesses,” it seems.

In their researched fahivtsy, they predicted for 9 years for 7,798 children with high risk the development of type 1 diabetes in the people. This robot has reached the Teddy warehouse due to the method of detecting environmental triggers for autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes on the ear in children with genetic risk.

Combinations of risk scores include genetics, clinical factors, such as a family history of diabetes, and the presence of pinpoint autoantibodies in children - biomarkers, yak, yak, like, add to the development of type 1 diabetes.

The next group showed that the new combination of pidhid significantly improved the prognosis for the development of type 1 diabetes in children, which potentially allowed the consultation of families with the risk of developing diabetes.

“At this hour, 40% of children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes may be more aggravated - ketoacidosis. For small children, it’s not safe for life, and leading to trivial hospitalizations, and in some cases, to paralysis or death. The choice of our new combined approach for the purpose of identifying which children develop diabetes, can save these tragedies and guarantee that children lean on the right path of rejoicing in a greater early age "

aspect. net.

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