Experts have shown that milk helps lower bad cholesterol

26 May 2022, 00:05 | Health
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It is possible to reduce cholesterol in the body with the help of milk, according to the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net The presence of the same amount of cholesterol in our body is necessary for normal life. However, a large accumulation of cholesterol plaques can lead to disruption of the vascular system, provoking a heart attack, Ukr informs.. media.

For the data of experts, it is " In order to avoid unsafe consequences for the body, follow the steps, so that the LDL riven did not rise, and the HDL rive did not decrease below the norm.

One of the main factors that regulates the balance, is the need for dietary intake, the introduction of other products in your diet, the health problems with " Soybeans lie before such products.

It has been scientifically proven that in soviet beans it is possible to harvest a high amount of protein and isoflavones, which reduce the level of "

The experts found that for more than one month of living in Izhu sozdat it was possible to increase the level of HDL to 1.4 mg / dl, one hour lowering LDL by 4 mg / dl. The most processed form of soy is soy milk. Vcheni brought that this form of soybeans is the most valuable for our body. Only a few soy milk will be enough to bring indicators of cholesterol back to normal. It’s very important for people who are sickening to the point of cholesterol plaques, turn off fatty food from their diet to take revenge on fat.

aspect. net.

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