Metabolism Facts to Help Manage Your Body

22 May 2022, 11:42 | Health
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If you want to effectively lose weight and not gain weight, you need to know everything about metabolism.. Diets slow down your metabolism.

We often believe that a low-calorie diet will help you lose weight quickly.. In fact, such nutrition slows down the metabolism, and the process of losing weight is much more difficult.. The right decision is to eat a balanced diet and count calories.. For example, if you consume up to 1500 kcal per day, you will not be tormented by the feeling of hunger, and the weight will gradually go away..

The metabolic rate can vary greatly from person to person Indeed, one person can eat food even after 21. 00, and it will not remain on the body in the form of fat, and it is enough for the second to eat a chocolate bar, as + 100 g will be added to the weight on the scales. Doctors cannot find an answer to the question why this happens, because the metabolic process in the body is not fully understood..

But, scientists know exactly what can cause a slow metabolism:.

- Wrong and unbalanced diet;

- frequent diets;

- passive lifestyle;

- lack of sufficient water in the diet;

- frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages;

- avoiding fat.

The more fat in the body, the slower the metabolism The less fat and more muscle in the body, the higher the metabolic rate. A healthy diet, active life and sports will help get rid of the first..

Foods do not help speed up metabolism Another fact that will help you manage your body.

As a rule, we believe that with the help of certain foods it is possible to influence the metabolic rate. Actually, chili pepper, green tea, citrus coffee, etc.. in the diet can improve metabolism, but very little.

Laughter helps speed up metabolism A study by scientists has shown that laughter helps to improve metabolic rate, but for tangible results, it is also important to maintain proper nutrition and activity throughout the day..

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