American scientists have opened a safe fructose for the brain

22 May 2022, 10:22 | Health
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Supraworld activation of fructose is the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

According to American scientists, one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease is the increase in fructose rhubarb in the brain, Ukr informs. media.

Together with colleagues from Japan and Mexico, students from the Anschutz Medical Center of the University of Colorado came up with a hypothesis that they admit that the cause of Alzheimer's disease can be supra-world activation of fructose, vibrated in the brain, as it transmits the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 5 years old Pannoch. net Doslidniki caused a rise in ailments, widely spread in the regions of the world, with the so-called zahіdny style of eating, which leads to supramundane metabolism of fructose. I also explain why people with diabetes and obesity develop Alzheimer's disease more often.

“We admit that Alzheimer’s disease is a current illness, a change in the dietary way of life, in which fructose disrupts cerebral metabolism and the function of neurons,” the words of the adept author, Dr..

The authors of the article - neurologists, neurophysiologists and experts on the metabolism of the brain - took data from numerical studies that confirm the link between high levels of fructose in the brain and ailment disease.

At the thought of the scientists, the smut was fructose in the brain - endogenous cerebral synthesis. If in orientations on the metabolism of fructose, the mitochondrial energy production is maintained, and it does not work to improve the functionality and vitality of neurons.

For another scenario, the progressive consumption of mitochondrial energy is the price of the aftermath of post-oxidative stress associated with glucose hypometabolism. There is only one final case - lack of energy for neurons, their dysfunction and death.

With which amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, traditionally considered the central factors that call Alzheimer's disease, are considered by the authors as a last resort - part of the ignition reaction.

“We hope to reconsider proving the relationship between fructose in the brain and Alzheimer’s ailment, we want to inspire others to continue the treatment of these,” Johnson says.

It is possible that the results of the investigation will help to create new methods of prevention and treatment, directed at the suppression of intracerebral metabolism of fructose.

Authors of their closest zavdannyam to study enzyme inhibitors, yak take part in the production of fructose in the brain.

aspect. net.

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