According to the mother's diet, it is possible to find out the sex of the child

22 May 2022, 01:32 | Health
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Just recently there was such a sensational headline that you could find in any newspaper. However, this is more of a guess than a definitive explanation.. It's just that some of us divide our eating habits into those that are characteristic of a boy and those that a little girl can have.. That's just to determine the sex of your baby, you have to use the old method when you do an ultrasound. And they’ll already say for sure what kind of peanut is floundering there.

Also, it can be noted that heredity also plays an important role here.. Let's say your women only had a boy, or a husband in his line more often had girls. Do not forget that heredity involves the birth of twins or even triplets. Although this may be a little stressful for you, you can become the first of your kind and give birth to several children at once..

There is one more thing that definitely affects the sex of the unborn baby, these are chromosomes.. From what union will be concluded, that one will be endured within you.

Note that past research, which indicated a predisposition to the birth of a boy or girl due to the diet of the mother, does not affect the fact that the father will eat..

In order to issue such a conclusion, scientists had to tinker for five whole years.. Still, we will be skeptical about these facts, since here the role is played by the fact that, rather, mom has a dependence on some product. Which, could have been earlier, just manifested itself more actively during pregnancy. Moreover, pregnant women sometimes have such a sophisticated taste that they cannot understand which gender will like such amazing dishes from a plate of a pregnant woman..

global science. en.

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