Hair loss remedy

22 May 2022, 00:51 | Health
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The infusion has an amazing effect on the hair roots, as a result of which they stop falling out and begin to grow much more intensively, as the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka reports.. net What to do?

Tightly fill a liter empty jar with onion peel, pour in good vodka and add one small bag of cloves.

Keep the mixture in a jar in a dark place for at least ten days, shaking occasionally..

Before washing your hair with this tincture, lubricate the hair roots, it is advisable to do this with a cotton swab.

Then wrap your head with plastic wrap and a warm towel for three hours.. The effect is amazing - the hair becomes thicker, healthier, more beautiful, and most importantly, it falls out less.

nedug. en.

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