New genes revealed in human genome linked to cancer

14 May 2022, 09:19 | Health
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Geneticists from the United States have revealed in the smallest parts of the genome of a human sprat hundreds of previously unknown genes, 50 of which produce proteins, which take part in the development of cancerous cells. The results of the study were published in the journal Nature Biotechnology.

Approximately 20,000 genes have been identified in human genomes. Previously, over a hundred thousand genes were allowed to encode proteins, and later studies showed that most of them, more than anything, produce non-coding RNA.

The data base of the NeXtProt project is approximately 17,600 blk, which code genes, confirmed by mass spectrometry, and close to 2,100 not confirmed.

With this, there is more and more evidence that in the genes, if they are respected by such that they do not encode RNA, there may be protein synthesis. Dosi Bulo is unknown, what are the proteins that are blamed for such a translation, biologically functional.

Researchers from the Broad Institute of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is implementing the Human Genome Project, have experimentally reviewed 553 candidate genes in the same way as they looked at the Open Reading Frame (ORF) — the sequence of non-folding nucleotides.

Experiments have shown that 57 ORFs encoded proteins that harbor the development of cancer cells.

Zokrema, ORF G029442 encodes rich glycine-positive protein-1 (GREP1), which promotes the oncogenic cytokine GDF15 and is highly expressed in breast cancer.

The blocking of yoga for the help of a special inhibitor helped the effect of the development of cancer cells.

The authors further suggested that proteins, which are expressed by non-canonical ORFs, can become potential targets for the development of new methods for treating cancer..

Previously, “old” fragments of DNA were detected in human organisms, which would activate the immune system and kill cancer cells as a severe infection.

aspect. net.

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