What foods contain chromium

07 May 2022, 16:30 | Health
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Scientists have long proven that chromium is an essential element that the human body needs.. Chromium regulates the work of enzymes, manages the metabolism of fats, proteins and cholesterol, regulates the metabolism of insulin and maintains blood sugar levels.. About what products contain chromium, we will discuss further..

BENEFITS OF SELENIUM FOR THE BODY The human body contains only about 6 mg of chromium, although this trace element is very important. In addition to the above functions, it stimulates energy production, helps keep the body in good shape and improves resistance to stress, according to the online edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net It is important to know that chromium deficiency in the body, as a rule, causes the development of diabetes, obesity and atherosclerosis. For the human body, this element is very important, since it is a component of all cells, tissues, etc.. Every person who cares about their health should know which foods contain chromium in order to prevent either a deficiency or an excess of this substance..

The fact is that an excess of chromium in the body is also quite dangerous, but it is found in food in fairly small quantities, and therefore people tend to have a deficiency of this element more often..

The functions of chromium in the body do not end with the above, because in addition to the fact that it normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, participates in lipid metabolism, maintaining normal weight, provides the optimal amount of sugar in the blood, chromium also maintains the state of the thyroid gland, replacing iodine, and also promotes stimulation.

With a lack of chromium in a person, growth retardation, disorders of the nervous system, an increase in the concentration of fat in the blood, a decrease in reproductive function, and also immunity to alcohol are observed.. The daily norm of chromium for women is 50 micrograms and 120-200 micrograms during pregnancy.. An adult male should consume 60-70 micrograms of chromium per day, and an athlete - 120-200 micrograms of the element.

We can safely conclude that without this element, the normal functioning of the body is simply impossible.. Fortunately, chromium is found in many products that have long been included in the habitual diet of many people..

Chromium is found in large quantities in brewer's yeast, and therefore they should be consumed at least once a week.. By the way, products containing chromium must be gently processed so that the body receives the maximum amount of the substance..

If we talk about plant sources of this element, then chromium is found in tomatoes, green onions, broccoli, potatoes and radishes.. This element is found in raw grains, black pepper, beans, peas, lentils, grapes and plums..

As for animal sources of chromium, these include chicken, turkey, duck and goose meat, beef, tuna, crab, shrimp, beef, pork and chicken liver, cheese and shellfish.

Chromium is found in fish such as tuna, herring, crucian carp, carp and mackerel.

A person's health depends on himself, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle contribute to the normal functioning of the body, and it is on this that the general well-being of a person depends.. Products containing useful substances must be consumed daily, but in moderation, in order to prevent either a deficiency or an overabundance of one or another element..

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Based on materials: pannochka.net

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