Products to start metabolism

07 May 2022, 16:03 | Health
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There are many reasons that lead to metabolic disorders: from the hereditary factor to the abuse of diets.. But, the most common cause is, nevertheless, malnutrition.. It is reasonable that it is necessary to restore this natural mechanism for converting "

Water If you start the morning with a glass of water at room temperature, the body will give a signal to start the metabolism and in 20–25 minutes the digestive system will be as ready to eat as possible.. The main thing is not to skip breakfast, and not to force the body to work in vain. You should also remind yourself to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day..

Fiber Foods high in fiber (whole grains, bran, oatmeal, etc.). ) is a “tough nut” for the digestive system. To process fiber, the body has to spend a lot of energy, which means that the metabolism will start to work faster and calories will not be converted into extra pounds..

Lean Meat Protein is also hard to digest.. In addition, dishes with lean meat can keep the feeling of satiety for a long time, which prevents weight gain.. Lean varieties include chicken, rabbit, turkey, as well as veal and, to a lesser extent, beef.

Cabbage The faster you rid the intestines of harmful microflora and establish the process of peristalsis, the better the metabolism will work. Cabbage is great for this.. White cabbage contains a lot of fiber and coarse fibers that clean the intestines like a brush. And sauerkraut neutralizes harmful bacteria.

Dairy products The amount of calcium in the body affects the metabolic rate. If there is a lack of calcium and vitamin D, the metabolism slows down..

For proper metabolism, you should drink 2-3 glasses of medium-fat milk per day.. Accelerates metabolism and regular consumption of fermented milk products, such as low-fat cottage cheese or kefir.

Red beans Red beans, thanks to the insoluble fiber in the composition, stimulate intestinal motility and improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, recent studies have shown that red beans are able to successfully block the release of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of starch.. That is, the starch obtained from food will not be absorbed, and the body will receive fewer calories, which contributes to weight loss..

Citrus fruits All orange citrus fruits, including grapefruit, contain many vitamins, minerals, acids and fiber. Together, these substances speed up metabolism, and with constant use, they put in order the work of digestion and increase the overall tone of the body..

Apples Fruits in general and apples in particular stimulate metabolism.. To speed up your metabolism, you should try to eat 2-3 small apples a day.. It is advisable to choose unsweetened varieties and do not peel apples.

Hot pepper The phrase " Capsaicin, the substance that gives pepper its hotness and spiciness, is able to speed up the metabolism by 25% and maintain a high rate of calorie burning for several hours..

Green tea As you know, green tea has a powerful antioxidant effect, reduces appetite, normalizes the digestive tract and cleanses the body of toxins..

There is another wonderful property that green tea has: it helps burn complex fats, for which it is included in almost all diet news.. A cup of green tea in the early morning kicks off your metabolism and keeps it up all day long..

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