Names of mismatches factor in the set of vaga

07 May 2022, 15:08 | Health
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American doctors explained that the recruitment of the bandages was not only due to low physical activity and improper eating, but also due to the sleep regimen. The newspaper Express told about it.

It means that it’s not as safe as a lack of sleep, so is a supra-world dream.

On the eve of the study, the fahivtsy showed a clear link between five and five or less years of sleep and a significant increase in visceral fat (fat around the internal organs) in osib, younger for 40 years.

Also, in the past year and more years of sleep, it is associated with increased visceral fat, which, in its line, is very unsafe, shards of symptoms of metabolic syndrome - a set of steps to treat the development of heart disease.

To control the vagary, doctors recommend sleeping at least six to eight years old, exercising regular physical activity at a moderate intensity (less than 30 minutes) and eating a balanced diet.

Previously, it was said that grafting one apple a day before taking it helps to throw off the vaga.

aspect. net.

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