Named three ways to change the risk of oncology

07 May 2022, 14:40 | Health
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Doctors have seen the main ways to help minimize the risk of oncological illnesses. The British newspaper Express spoke about it with the help of the All-World Foundation for the Promotion of Cancer.

We are recommended to keep a healthy vag. You can protect against 12 types of cancer: intestines, breasts, zhovchnoy michur, nirok, liver, company, stravokhod, ovaries, subducts, prostate, uterus and uterus.

It is assumed that the average person needs close to 2500 calories per day, and the average person needs close to 2000 calories per day.

It also significantly reduces the risk of oncological diseases by helping regular physical activity. It is recommended for grown-ups to give the right to less than 150 hvilin shotizhnya.

In addition, it is important to take care of healthy eating, zocrema, save more vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes.

To reduce the risk of cancer, it is necessary to unique: high-calorie food, red meat, licorice gassed drinks, alcohol.

Previously, it was said that by stretching the life of the skin, the fifth inhabitant of the planet is suffering from cancer. Among the 36 most widespread types of oncology, the leading cancer of the breasts.

aspect. net.

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