Taping in the fight against age-related changes

07 May 2022, 13:13 | Health
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It is best to start caring for the skin long before the first wrinkles and other age-related changes.. Many girls do not pay due attention to the face and decollete area, which subsequently greatly affects the appearance of the skin.. Many expensive creams are powerless, and injections are completely unsafe in most cases.. So how do you keep your natural beauty and youthful skin

Tapes that can correct almost all cosmetic and aesthetic problems can help in this difficult matter.. Using the taping technique, you can get rid of deep wrinkles on the face, rings of Venus on the neck and duck feet in the eye area.. These tapes are developed using American technologies with the support of specialists in the field of taping, so there is no doubt about the quality of the product.. The elastic band is made of cotton and nylon, which makes it as strong and elastic as possible.. A special application fits snugly to the taped area, creating the effect of a " With such an arrangement, the teip does not cause discomfort and does not tighten the skin, making the procedure as comfortable as possible, according to the online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net Before starting taping, it is worth immersing yourself in anatomy as little as possible in order to understand how the facial and cervical muscles that you have to work with are located. The effect of “pulling up” collagen fibers and muscle relaxation is possible only with a properly applied tape.. However, do not think that after the first procedure you will immediately see a noticeable and lasting result.. Elastic bands temporarily lift and fix the fibers, so only after a few treatments the muscles return to their original state.

The teip is applied without tension and tightening, the lifting effect occurs due to the stretching of one's own tissues.. Strong tension of tapes can injure sensitive skin of the face, so it is better not to stretch the strip, than to overtighten and create discomfort.. To tap the selected area, it is necessary to correctly determine the state in which this or that muscle is located..

There are two main muscle states:.

Tone is the background activity of tissues, organs and nerve centers, ensuring their readiness for action.. Our muscles are never in a state of complete relaxation, they always maintain a slight tension..

Hypertonicity is a state of increased activity and abnormal muscle tension in which the ability to stretch is reduced..

With weak hypertonicity, there is a feeling of discomfort, tension and tightness in the muscles. Usually such symptoms are relieved by rubbing or massage.. In severe cases of hypertonicity, spasms occur, causing sharp pain, in severe cases, the muscles become very dense and painfully react to any mechanical impact..

It is because of changes in the healthy tone of the facial muscles that external imperfections such as deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, crow's feet and other age-related changes occur.. Muscle contractions or sagging significantly change the relief of the face, especially such changes are noticeable on thin faces with a thin subcutaneous fat layer.. When working with a face, it is necessary to understand what state the muscles are in, since when stretching a weakened muscle, you can deform the muscle even more, thereby only exacerbating the problem..

neboleem. net.

Based on materials: pannochka.net

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