7 Benefits of Beauty Oils You Didn't Know About

07 May 2022, 10:50 | Health
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There is a lot of evidence that natural vegetable oils help beauty and health.. This article will focus on base oils, which, unlike essential oils, can be applied undiluted to the skin and hair due to their texture.. They are extracted from the fattest part of the plant - seeds, nuts and seeds, according to Pannochka, an online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net  We present to your attention the top 7 benefits of oils for beauty that you did not know about before. With this knowledge, you can easily apply them in self-care and transform.

Oily skin can not be spoiled with oil.

There is such a strong misconception that oily skin needs to be dried.. What tricks do girls resort to to overcome unwanted shine: alcohol tonics, synthetic matting powders, and silicone creams that clog pores. And just the thought of applying fatty oil to oily skin seems terrifying.. It is important to understand that, as a rule, excessive production of sebum is an attempt by the skin to compensate for the destruction of its hydro-lipid barrier..

Therefore, the first way to restore the balance of the skin is to " And best of all, oils such as jojoba, grape seed, wheat germ cope with this task, due to their amazing property - they have a similar structure to the natural lipids of our skin.. These oils are literally built into the epidermis, like bricks, filling the gaps in the hydro-lipid barrier, and the body no longer needs to force the sebaceous glands to work in an enhanced mode.. But peach and apricot oils can clog pores, so it is better to refrain from them if you have problematic and oily skin.. But they are suitable for dry skin along with coconut. The latest oil, according to a 2013 study in the Journal of International Dermatology, can improve the skin barrier even in people with atopic dermatitis.

Anti-sweat oils Coconut and jojoba oils are often used in natural deodorants because they have antibacterial properties, which means they inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause unpleasant odors.. In addition, they create a barrier to moisture, reducing perspiration itself..

Oil and cream are best friends. You are probably not used to thinking of these two beauty products in the same context.. If you apply the first on top of the second on the skin, then the cream will push the oil deeper into the skin, and you get two bonuses at once: more effective skin nutrition and instant absorption.. No more waiting three days and three nights for the oil to stop shining on your face. Simply apply your favorite moisturizer on top and enjoy nourished, hydrated skin without stickiness or oiliness..

Oil and water is not a problem at all!

It is also worth reconsidering your views on the relationship between oil and water.. And I advise you to try applying olive oil on damp skin after a bath - it turns out just an amazing moisturizing emulsion.. True, in this case, you will have to wait until all this miracle is absorbed, but what a magical skin will be! The oil in this case locks water in the skin, due to which the moisturizing effect lasts for a long time.. Please note that this trick is best done with olive oil due to its composition and texture..

Oils as sun protection Oils have a natural UV factor of SPF 15. Assuming sunbathing during inactive sun (at other times even with SPF50 you put yourself at great risk), this degree of protection is sufficient. In addition, oils neutralize the most dangerous radioactive rays.. According to the principle of rubber that absorbs electric current, oils scatter exactly the type of radiation that provokes oncology..

Berber women were not mistaken. Argan oil contains a unique composition of phytosterols, which is not found in other vegetable oils.. Phytosterols have the most beneficial effect when taken orally, as they lower blood cholesterol levels, increase immunity, and serve as antioxidants.. However, we know that up to 60% of the substance applied to the skin is absorbed into the bloodstream, so if you " If you used to think of this Moroccan gold only as a hair oil, isn't it time to think about its use for the body and food?

Teeth whitening oil.

If you rinse your mouth with coconut oil for 2-3 minutes every day for a week, then the shade of your teeth will lighten without any harm to tooth enamel, which threatens when whitening with lemon juice and soda (I don’t even start talking about aggressive chemistry). Whitening occurs due to lauric acid contained in coconut oil at a concentration of up to 54%. It also inhibits bacteria, microorganisms, yeasts and fungi that are the sources of plaque.. Also interesting: Eco-friendly cosmetics: natural deodorant - 3 recipes The best masks with burdock oil for luxurious hair.

lady. siteua. org.

Based on materials: pannochka.net

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