How to keep your teeth strong and healthy

29 April 2022, 00:40 | Health
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Teeth are a unique organ of the human body, given to us by nature so that we can chew food more thoroughly.. Today, the role of a beautiful, healthy and snow-white smile in society is very significant - as soon as a person opens his mouth, and we already understand who we are dealing with. And it's not all about talking.. Despite the abundance of dental clinics offering to restore a beautiful smile, it is better to think about how to keep your teeth in their natural state.. How to do it - see below.

Prevention is known to be the best cure. A complex of beneficial actions will help protect tooth enamel from the occurrence of caries, periodontitis, and hence premature tooth decay.. So how do you keep your teeth

Brush your teeth after every meal.

After eating, plaque forms on the teeth of a person, consisting of saliva, microbes, and various substances of the oral mucosa.. Also, the destruction of enamel is facilitated by the remnants of delicacies stuck between the teeth.. Floss your teeth, use an antibacterial mouthwash or just chew unsweetened gum every time you eat - this elementary rule will keep your teeth healthy for a long time..

Brush your teeth properly.

Proper brushing of teeth also needs to be learned - in the front teeth from top to bottom, in the back - in a circular motion, not forgetting the tongue. The entire process of cleaning the oral cavity should take at least 3-5 minutes.. And if you are thinking about how to save your teeth, change your toothbrushes more often - you don’t need a hotbed of bacteria in a plastic cup..

Do not get carried away with too cold and too hot dishes. Do not abuse sweets.

Excessively high or low temperature food leads to the destruction of tooth enamel. The same thing happens when we often eat foods high in sugar..

If you do not brush your teeth after sweets and cake, get carried away with ice cream and drink very hot tea, then the beneficial microflora from the mucous membrane in the mouth will disappear very quickly.

Eat foods containing calcium.

Calcium serves as a natural source of nutrition for teeth, restoring damaged enamel and strengthening bone tissue.. Eating 1-1.5 grams of calcium per day will prevent the appearance of dental diseases and then the question "

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