Why carrots are unique

28 April 2022, 15:00 | Health
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Want to get rich instantly? One of the legends suggests the right remedy. You need to go to the place where the gnomes live and leave a salad bowl with grated carrots there. If you come in the morning for a salad bowl, you will find it filled to the brim with gold coins.. Carrots are a favorite treat for dwarves, and they always pay handsomely for a treat.. Carrots, of course, are not a pity, but where to find gnomes... Actually, carrots are a unique vegetable. She helps us out of hibernation like a bear out of a lair.. She, darling, is a huge help to health and beauty, especially at the end of winter, according to Pannochka, an online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net Carrot Daucus carota L is a biennial plant belonging to the umbrella family. We consider it a vegetable, and all of Europe a fruit.

Now it is difficult to say exactly where the carrot appeared for the first time, since it has been eaten by different peoples for at least 4 millennia.. On the walls of the temples of ancient Egypt, the image of a purple carrot has been preserved. In the wild, carrots still grow in the Mediterranean countries, in America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa... It is believed that the ancient Greeks were the first to cultivate carrots, who served it at feasts with olive oil, then the ancient Romans became addicted to carrots, the rest.

In the Middle Ages, carrots had already gained popularity in most of Europe.. Snacks, puddings were prepared from it, added to desserts and ice cream.. Emperor Charlemagne was very partial to carrots, and therefore carrot dishes were constantly present on his table..

In French and German cookbooks of the 16th-17th centuries, many interesting recipes from carrots have been preserved.. For a long time, carrots were considered a delicacy and were available only to rich people.. And only in the 17th century did it enter the diet of other segments of the population, at the same time the carotell variety, which is still considered the best, was bred..

But in Russia it has been grown since ancient times.. It is believed that the very Russian name for carrots comes from the Old Slavonic word - " Before the revolution, and even later, tea from dried carrot tops was popular in the villages..

For health, you need to eat carrots, which have an orange-red color of root crops, it is in these root crops that carotene is the most. Carrots contain: carotene - provitamin A, vitamins: B2, B6, E, D, PP, C, K, nicotinic and folic acids, trace elements - potassium, iron, cobalt, copper, as well as glucose, lecithin, starch, pectin, fiber. But Pliny considered it a kind of parsnip. In Russia, from time immemorial, carrots have been used not only for food, but also as a medicinal plant..

Modern doctors claim that carrots help cure and prevent 65 diseases.. Some of them are sure that the daily presence of carrots in the diet replaces hepatitis B vaccination..

Carrot perfectly restores physical form, so it is prescribed for loss of strength, beriberi, chronic fatigue, great physical and mental stress..

Carrots are especially useful for women, because they have antioxidant properties, they bind free radicals, preserving our beauty and protecting against oncology and cardiovascular diseases..

Carrot preserves our vision, allowing you to see better not only in the light, but also in the dark, protects the genetic apparatus from damage, improves metabolism, boosts immunity, improves brain function and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Whoever eats fresh carrots every day has good skin, healthy hair and strong teeth..

Carrots prevent weight gain. To lose weight without harm to health, you need to eat grated carrots mixed with chopped cabbage and seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.

Carrot juice prevents the processes of decay in the stomach, which also has a beneficial effect on youthfulness and well-groomed skin..

And, of course, carrots are used externally as a folk cosmetic..

- Carrot juice is rubbed into the scalp 30 minutes before washing to make hair strong and shiny.

- Carotene face mask is useful for almost any type of skin, as it has a unique moisturizing effect. Carrot masks are especially useful for oily, pale, aging skin.. It helps get rid of acne. Grate 1 large juicy carrot and add a small amount of talc. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes.

If the carrots are dry, then, grated, it is mixed with sour cream.

- For those women who do not want to sunbathe, but want to have a tanned complexion, experts recommend rubbing their face with carrot juice 1-2 times a day.

Inside, carrots must be consumed with fats - vegetable oils, sour cream, boiled carrots with butter, because provitamin A dissolves only in fat and is absorbed by the body only with it, giving us youth and beauty.

nedug. en.

Based on materials: pannochka.net

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