Chim korisna melissa: melancholy and shkoda for a healthy person

26 April 2022, 11:30 | Health
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Chim korisna melissa: melancholy and shkoda for a healthy person. Chim korisna melisa is medicinal for the body, like in roslin it is a contraindication, as it is reported by the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net At the warehouse melisi likarskoy ї mіstsya efіrna olіya, the main component of which is monoterpene citral. Youmu Roslin sees a lower citrus aroma that dislikes guts so much, and wears one more name - lemon mint, Ukr informs. media.

For the sake of valuable components, this grass practically does not trespass popularly loved by peppermint, shards lie down to that family, but after pouring into our body, still, the trochs in it are breathed.

Chim korisna melіsa Korisnі power melіsi vіdomі people vzhe already over two thousand years. Folk and traditional medicine won victorious like:.

Lemon mint is poured into people in different ways, shards through physiological and hormonal influences of human and female organisms can react differently to the same components of the plant.

Vіdvar, nastіy and tea with melіsi successfully zastosovuyutsya in gynecology. With sick menstruation and menopause and infection, zavdyaki sedative and spasmolytic effects, help alleviate unacceptable symptoms and stabilize the state of the nervous system.

To children of a young age, call for protection to give medicinal herbs. Ale at melisi, on the vіdmіnu vіd m'yati, practically no fencing is possible in pediatrics.

Melisa in combination with chamomile and linden is recommended for the treatment of seasonal colds, ailments, sleeplessness and problems with poisoning in children.

Melisa is one of the safest herbs. The border for її zastosuvannya is not so rich, but all the same it is necessary to try to objectively evaluate the melancholy and shkoda, as you can bring roslin to your body. Vykoristovuvaty preparations and melisi are not a trace, as you should beware of any of these states:.

lowering vice;

nir's insufficiency;




individual intolerance.

So you can’t be evil with lemon mint, as you are engaged in diyalnistyu, which means increased respect and serendipity.

How to brew melissa in home minds To win the richness of power plants, let's find out how to brew melissa for zastosuvannya in home phytotherapy. I preach a sprat of simple joys.

With fresh blossoms of pharmaceutical chamomile, linden and leaves of chamomile, we prepare a warehouse in equal proportions, fill it with cold filtered water from a rosemary 1 part of herbs for 10 parts of water, let it boil and take it out of the fire. It is insistently under the roof of 15 whilin, it is treated and taken in a warm look in therapeutic purposes for the improvement of immunity, the exaltation of colds, insomnia, the ailment of the mucosal-intestinal tract, or simply for satisfaction.

Peppermint and melissa in equal proportions are poured with a bottle of dill and infused close to 10 khvilin. Enough of all the dekilkoh leaves of both roslins.

Amazing drink viyde, like a drink with lemon mint ivan-tea. On a teaspoon of skin grass, we pour two bottles of boiled water, as it reached 80 degrees, it’s really 5 minutes and it’s like in a hot, so in a chilled look.

If you like to soar in the spa, do not hesitate to prepare a simple herbal tea with melissa. For which dried leaves, the growth is trimmed, placed in a small weaving bag and tightly tied. If the lazna is heated, it will be reminiscent of a kіvsh of dill and lowered into a new bag with a park of khvilin for 10-15. Watering the stones with water from a ladle, weaving a small bag of grass in front. Aroma, which is reminiscent of a guy, to rob again with kissing - know that and the pressure, improve immunity. And if you add sprats of ethereal oil to rosemary in the water, you can get rid of stress, neurosis and a lack of strength.

aspect. net.

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