Dermatologists have figured out what a mother needs to be nice for different parts of the body

26 April 2022, 10:52 | Health
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Dermatologists have figured out what a mother needs to be nice for different parts of the body. Chi guilty, buti your cute at the skin member of the sim'ї.

Cute - zasіb hygіeni, like the skin koristuєtsya for sprat times a day. Ale chi need to bathe okremi vidi sweet for hands, nig abo tila? Dermatologists gave advice on " media.

The choice of the okremy is sweet for the hands, the body, or there are no special needs.

When choosing a mila for a skin day, it is necessary to take care of the warehouse: even more often, in the capacity of the antibacterial component of the virobniki, you can put synthetic speech - antibiotics (triclosan and triclocarban), yaks, pathogenic cream, drive in and normal flora. An alternative to chemical speeches are natural components: aroma oils of chamomile, calendula, aloe, tea tree.

Choosing the best for intimate hygiene, respect for one of the main criteria - pH value (acid-lunar indicator), wine is not to blame for intimate hygiene 5.5. The reason for this is due to this reason, in which there is less of such a component, as sodium lauryl sulfate (in the supra-world quantity of wines, it can cause an allergy).

Chi guilty, buti your cute at the skin member of the sim'ї?

Fakhіvtsі vvazhayut that sіm'ya can koristuvatisya one darling, but yakshcho.

It is important to remember that for an hour I will look after the children.

I, obviously, should be careful when corystying with hot toilet accessories, for those who have problems in the back, for example, a fungus.

At this time, it is necessary to consult a doctor and choose the best advice for the mitt and watch.

Chi is required to choose especially cute in the spring-summer season?

Choose nicely for the sake of becoming a skinny curve, protect the manifestation of allergic reactions. For the presence in the booth of zhorstkoy water, low hairiness, it is necessary to vicorate rarely nicely.

When you need to remember, it’s not hard, it’s not antibacterial, it’s cute not suitable for a stosuvannya.

aspect. net.

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