Strengthens bones: named dried fruit that all pensioners need to eat

09 March 2022, 10:06 | Health
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Strengthens bones: named dried fruit that all pensioners need to eat Add prunes to the diet.

Calcium-rich foods and drinks are often recommended to prevent or slow bone loss during aging.. And everything is right here. But recently, researchers have added to the list, reports the with reference to the Correspondent.. info with reference to TSN.

Prunes promote bone health and overall health. This was discovered during the research.

The scientists paid special attention to the study of the condition of postmenopausal women, who noted the highest rate of bone loss..

The researchers found that eating about 10. prunes daily for a year led to a reduction in signs of bone loss. Not only that, even six months of regular prunes consumption showed less total bone loss compared to those who did not eat dried fruits..

They noted that one possible reason for this is that prunes cause changes in the gut microbiome, leading to reduced levels of inflammation throughout the body.. In turn, this can reduce oxidative cell damage that affects bone density..

Another important property of prunes is that it helps to get rid of belly fat.. Although dried fruits are not generally recommended for weight loss due to their high calorie content, a 2014 study presented at the European Obesity Congress examined the effects of eating prunes daily over a 12-week period.. The experiment involved people with overweight and obesity.

Those who consumed a small amount of dried fruit lost about two kilograms and almost three centimeters at the waist during this time..

One important note if you're looking to add prunes to your diet: Be sure to read the nutrition label, dietitians advise.. Prunes are a high-calorie product due to the concentration of natural sugars in it..

Some manufacturers additionally sweeten it during processing.. It may reduce or even negate the anti-inflammatory effects of prune consumption..

Researchers have suggested combining prunes with fresh fruits and vegetables for the best effect..

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