The gut can help stop Alzheimer's

09 March 2022, 06:22 | Health
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The gut can help stop Alzheimer's The key to protecting against dementia may be located in the gut, not in the brain. Researchers at King's College London came to this conclusion..

For a very long time, the best minds of mankind have been fighting over the issue of treating dementia or senile dementia.. Until recently, all research has been in the brain, where accumulation of beta-amyloid and tau proteins begins to cause a malfunction between neurons, leading to memory loss and other characteristic symptoms of the disease.. Billions of dollars have been spent over decades, but science has not come an inch closer to defeating this insidious and incurable disease..

And now scientists are proposing to shift the focus from the brain to the intestines, since this organ is much more easily exposed to dietary and drug influences.. A whole series of experiments have linked the gut to the development of Alzheimer's disease, and very soon the results of these studies will be presented at a medical conference.. For example, one showed that the microbiome, or bacterial community, in the gut of patients with Alzheimer's disease is very different compared to their peers who do not have the disorder.. Another found that rodents transplanted with feces taken from Alzheimer's patients performed significantly worse on memory tests.. Finally, a third study showed that if brain stem cells are treated with blood from patients with this disorder, they are much less likely to grow new nerve cells..

In theory, the intestines, or rather the bacteria located there, affect the level of inflammation in the body, and this is reflected in the brain, which is also supplied with blood.. The level of inflammation at a high level is one of the main factors contributing to the development of senile dementia.. At the moment, millions of Russians are living with this insidious disease, and this number will increase as life expectancy rises..

https://www. medicalforum. en/.


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