In Ukraine, the first suspicion of infection with Omicron was recorded

22 December 2021, 21:07 | Health
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The first suspicion of infection with Omicron was recorded in Ukraine The first potential case of infection with the Omicron coronavirus strain was registered in Ukraine.

Ukrainian geneticist Alexander Kolyada announced this on his Instagram.

As Oleksandr Kolyada noted, a young girl who recently returned from a vacation in the UAE could have brought a new COVID-19 mutation to Ukraine..

Upon returning home, the patient immediately went into self-isolation, so the girl could not spread the coronavirus strain among other people..

“I don’t think this is the first such person, because in countries with the same flight policy there are already hundreds of such cases.. The more often they search, the more often they find it, "

To confirm the first case of Omicron infection, specialists will transfer samples to other laboratories.

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