What strains of coronavirus exist in Russia?

27 April 2021, 16:59 | Health
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What strains of coronavirus exist in Russia?

On the territory of Russia, cases of infection with British and South African strains of coronavirus are gradually increasing.

On April 23, Anna Popova, head of Rospotrebnadzor, reported on the strains of coronavirus existing in the country. Popova stated that.


At the same time, she stressed, the spread of these strains in Russia is not as intense as in other countries.. In Germany, for example, they are distributed much more actively.

Popova noted that in general, the situation with the coronavirus pandemic in Russia can be assessed as stable - the country has reached a plateau. According to Rospotrebnadzor, the weekly number of coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation is 41.6 per 100 thousand, which is "

But also the incidence of coronavirus may start to rise again. Anna Popova pointed out that in a number of Russian regions the rate of its decline has completely stopped..

https: // www. medikforum. ru /.


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