Ten Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Hiccups Quickly

27 April 2021, 08:18 | Health
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Hiccups often haunt you? We know great ways to get rid of her.! In most cases, hiccups are completely harmless, and besides, they quickly pass.. But how does she annoy us! It is believed that hiccups last 5 to 20 minutes and have no effect on the body.. True, in rare cases it happens that it continues continuously for up to several days..

If you are very annoyed by hiccups and holding your breath doesn’t work, try these methods.. Some of them will seem strange to you, but believe me: they work.!

Method 1.

Put half a tablespoon of salt on your tongue and try to swallow it. Most likely, you will not be limited to one sip. Continue swallowing until you get rid of the salt taste in your mouth..

Method 2.

Pinch your nose with your fingers and begin to rotate the body clockwise. At the same time, sing out loud any song, repeat it 5 times. Then spin the other way and sing a song too.

Method 3.

If you are sitting or standing, lie down, lie down for at least a couple of minutes. Then jump to your feet. If an attack of hiccups caught you in a supine position, then, on the contrary, you need to stand up, and then lie down abruptly.

Method 4.

As soon as you feel like you are about to hiccup, start coughing.. Repeat this 3-4 times.. The hiccups must pass. Alternatively, instead of coughing, you can shout loudly.

Method 5.

If someone is near you, ask that person to tickle you.. Moreover, the more you are afraid of tickling, the more effective this method will be.. If you are not ticklish, ask the person to scare you..

Method 6.

Put water in your mouth, but do not swallow it. Pull your earlobes down while tilting your head back. And only then swallow the water.

Method 7.

Inhale deeply, exhale, then inhale deeply again and stick out your tongue, while plugging your ears with your fingers. Hold your breath for 30-40 seconds. Repeat if necessary.

Method 8.

If you have a lemon handy, cut a slice and start sucking on it.. The bright taste of lemon will create a kind of stress for the taste buds - the hiccups should pass.

Method 9.

Take a pencil in your teeth - so that it is located between the teeth horizontally. Then take a glass of water and sip a couple of sips without removing the pencil from your mouth..

Method 10.

Take a toothpick, break it into 2 parts, throw one part into a glass of water. Start drinking this water while watching your toothpick and being careful not to swallow it.. The trick is that by focusing on something, we get rid of hiccups..

lady. siteua. org.

Based on materials: lady.siteua.org

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