Wart on the heel

22 April 2021, 06:28 | Health
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Heel warts are benign skin neoplasms of an infectious nature.. Cause of appearance - DNA-containing dermatotropic human papillomavirus (HPV).

Heel warts can occur in patients of any age. They occur in a person, as a rule, at a young age (often even in a child). There is no correlation depending on gender.

It is necessary to treat the skin growth with conservative methods for a long time, but even after its disappearance, the risk of recurrence remains high.

Due to contact and household transmission, it is an extremely common infectious disease..

Causes Development of a wart is caused by the human papillomavirus. HPV tends to persist for a long time in the body, with a sufficient immune response, asymptomatic carriage takes place. The approximate time of the incubation period, taking into account the possible carriage, is from several weeks to 9 months, the clinical symptoms of the disease appear during the period of decreased immunity.

Taxonomically, HPV is divided into childbirth, depending on the tropism for different types of epithelium and different areas of the skin on the body:.

alpha - affect the anogenital region (the most dangerous of them are oncogenic strains 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 58);

beta - affect the keratinizing epithelium of the skin of the trunk, face;

gamma - also has a tropism to the keratinizing epithelium, but more affects the limbs (strains specifically for plantar warts - 1, 2, 4).

Features of HPV:.

contains DNA;

affects the basal (germ) layer of the epidermis;

distributed by contact;

some of its strains have a high carcinogenic risk, and therefore infection with them belongs to precancerous conditions (with regard to plantar warts, the oncological risk is minimal).

The following predisposing factors exist:.

Immune system disorders. HPV appears in people with a weakened immune response. Frequent viral or bacterial diseases also lead to the depletion of this system and disruption of its normal operation..

Violation of lifestyle (inappropriate nutrition, lack of physical activity). This leads to a violation of metabolic and metabolic processes in the body, which makes it difficult to suppress the pathogen.

Chronic overwork and stress have an indirect effect on the functioning of the immune and a number of other systems (endocrine, for example). This leads to depletion of the body and the impossibility of an adequate immune response..

Traumatic damage to the skin (microtrauma and abrasions received in the pool, for example) can lead to infection and infection. But this factor is realized only in combination with a weakened immune system..

There are a number of skin lesions that outwardly resemble wart (molluscum contagiosum, basalioma), but are not. Therefore, before trying to get rid of them, a thorough differential diagnosis of a skin neoplasm is required, consultation of a dermatovenerologist is required, and in doubtful cases - an oncologist.

Outward signs of plantar warts The appearance of plantar warts may differ slightly depending on the specific shape.. The main types that are localized on the skin of the feet (including heels) are presented in the table.

The form.

External features.


Localized on the dorsum of the feet (occasionally they can occur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heels), have a small size (up to 0.5-0.7 cm) and an uneven surface (covered with horny epithelium), the color varies from pale pink to yellow-gray.

Have a long course and a positive response to treatment.


Localized in areas subject to maximum pressure (most often occurs in the heels), outwardly resemble a yellowish callus up to 1 cm in size (see. on the picture).

In the center is hypertrophied epidermal tissue, which bleeds easily, can be painful when walking.


Occur on the pressing surface of the foot. Have a cavity, upon opening which a whitish curdled mass is released. As a rule, single ones with an uneven surface and a small diameter (up to 1 cm).

There are other types of warts (flat, filiform, etc.). ), but they are extremely rare in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet.

neboleem. net.

Based on materials: neboleem.net

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