Knee gonarthrosis grade 3: symptoms

18 April 2021, 02:31 | Health
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Grade 3 knee gonarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease in which the destruction of cartilage tissue occurs. Usually the disease affects older people (more often women), but sometimes the first manifestations occur at a young age. Third-degree gonarthrosis can be right-sided, left-sided, or bilateral.

Gonarthrosis is more often diagnosed in the elderly As a result of malnutrition of the cartilage, its structure changes.. If untreated, the disease progresses, leading to complete deformation of the joint.. At the last stage of gonarthrosis, the capsule of the joint and its synovial membrane are reborn. Joint fluid becomes viscous and thick, as a result of which cartilage nutrition is impaired.

Lack of nutrients leads to the fact that in some areas it simply disappears. In the future, the process of destruction is accelerated: friction between the articular surfaces increases, bones are deformed, and movements in the joint are limited. In this case, the clinical manifestations of the disease reach their maximum.

With the progression of the pathology, a complete deformation of the joint occurs.. In case of partial disability, the patient is assigned a 1 or 2 disability group.

Causes The reasons for the development of gonarthrosis include:.

autoimmune diseases (psoriatic or rheumatoid arthritis);

knee dysplasia;

injuries (fractures, dislocations, ligament injuries);



congenital shortening of the leg;



varus or hallux valgus;




The development of the disease is influenced by factors such as the patient's age (more often the disease occurs in the elderly), strong physical activity (especially intense squats and running).

Symptoms for 1-2 tbsp. gonarthrosis in the patient there is a crunch in the joints, pain during exertion and stiffness. In the future, the disease progresses and its symptoms worsen..

Signs of grade 3 gonarthrosis:.




When the upper layer of cartilage is erased, the nerve endings located in it are exposed, as a result of which pain occurs. At the last stage of gonarthrosis, the pain syndrome is pronounced. Knee pain occurs not only during exertion, but also persists when a person is at rest.

Decreased range of motion and stiffness.

One of the reasons for the appearance of this symptom is a change in the amount and composition of the synovial fluid (an increase in its viscosity).

Joint enlargement and deformation.

The enlargement of the joint is facilitated by the growth of osteophytes (thorn-like formations along the edges of the articular surfaces) and tissue edema. Gradually, the destruction of the cartilage leads to the fact that the joint is deformed, its shape changes.

Often the destruction of cartilage is accompanied by an inflammatory process, as a result of which edema occurs, compressing the nerve fibers even more.. In this case, excruciating pain appears, which can only be dealt with with the help of strong painkillers..

The patient's gait is disturbed: trying to reduce pain, the person moves the leg less, and the ligamentous apparatus, adjusting to these movements, shortens the ligaments of the knee joint.

With gonarthrosis of grade 3, the knees practically do not extend completely, as a result of which lameness occurs.

Treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint of grade 3 It is possible to alleviate the condition with the help of special knee pads or orthopedic insoles. It is recommended to use a cane, crutches or walker to avoid injury and reduce stress..

It is recommended to use a walker, cane, or crutches to reduce stress on the knees Medication Treatment of late stage arthrosis with medication is ineffective. It is almost impossible to slow down the degenerative process with hyaluronic acid or chondroprotectors at this stage of the disease, therefore they are usually not used.

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