How Statin Use in Older People May Contribute to Influenza

16 April 2021, 07:34 | Health
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Statins, drugs that lower the level of " Scientists have found that these certainly beneficial drugs can reduce the effectiveness of flu shots..

Older adults are at increased risk of complications from influenza because their weakened immune systems can no longer effectively fight viruses. For this reason, doctors in every possible way emphasize the need to vaccinate this category of the population against influenza..

However, it was unexpectedly found that the effectiveness of such immunization can be reduced in a significant number of individuals due to their intake of drugs of the statin group, which are designed to lower blood levels of low density lipoproteins or "

It is noteworthy that this previously unknown property of statins was discovered almost simultaneously and independently of each other by two groups of scientists..

The first study was conducted by employees of the Central Children's Hospital of the American city of Cincinnati (Cincinnati Children's Hospital).

They studied the health data of nearly 7,000 patients over the age of 65.. All study participants were vaccinated against influenza, and 3 weeks after vaccination, scientists from Cincinnati examined the level of antibodies in their blood samples..

It was found that the level of antibodies to influenza virus in the blood of patients taking statins was 38-67% lower compared to participants who did not take such drugs..

The second study was conducted by researchers at the Emory Vaccine Center in Atlanta..

In this case, the medical records of more than 140,000 Americans were studied, patients of the Kaiser Permanente medical company from Georgia (Georgia).

Scientists in Atlanta also found significantly lower levels of influenza antibodies in the blood of participants who took statins..

However, as scientists point out, this side effect of taking statins can be neutralized by increasing the dose of the vaccine - according to clinical studies, when immunizing the elderly, a fourfold increase in the dose of the drug is allowed.

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