Almost every cell in our body has vitamin D receptors: arm your body properly

05 April 2021, 16:52 | Health
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Nearly every cell in our body has vitamin D receptors: arm your body properly Research shows that the sunshine vitamin can do much more than just strengthen the immune system. Vitamin D is important for the formation of sex hormones in men and women, and also provides strong bones and muscles. Deficiency is associated with numerous medical conditions.

Hardly any other vitamin performs such varied and important functions in the body as vitamin D.

Vitamin D is the only vitamin that our body can produce on its own.

Although we must take other vitamins with food, such as vitamins B, C and E, the body can make vitamin D on its own. A prerequisite for this is UV radiation.. When sunlight hits the top layer of the skin, the precursors of vitamin D are converted to biologically active vitamin D3 by UVB radiation and lipoproteins (containing cholesterol) on the skin..

Supervitamin D may be important for every cell Strictly speaking, this vital substance is a hormone precursor or prohormone that stimulates and controls the accumulation of various other hormones. Accordingly, its functions are wide and varied.. New ones are still opening. Because vitamin D or D3 not only plays a role in hormonal balance and the immune system. We now know that almost every cell in the body also has vitamin D receptors.. Consequently, the spectrum of activity of supervitamin can be much wider than previously known..

Prevent and Compensate for Vitamin D Deficiency Signs of vitamin D deficiency are not always obvious, however, from susceptibility to infection to morning bone pain. If you want to be absolutely sure, you can check your vitamin D level with your doctor..

In this case, the doctor often advises taking vitamin D supplements, and not only in the summer..

Recommended daily doses from 1000 units (IU). Overdose is unlikely to be possible because the liver and kidneys must first convert the absorbed vitamin D to its active form. And they do this only when there really is a need for it, before that the vital substance remains inactive.

It is important to consult your doctor before using vitamin supplements!

https: // www. medikforum. ru /.


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