The appearance of the nails can change due to diseases of the heart, kidneys and other organs

31 March 2021, 23:05 | Health
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The appearance of nails can change due to diseases of the heart, kidneys and other organs Changing the appearance of nails in some cases is a symptom of those who have diseases - for example, cardiovascular or kidney diseases, experts warn.

If we talk about the main indicators of healthy nails, these are their shine and smoothness, the strength of the plate, its uniformly pink color.. Changes in their appearance are one of the body's warning signals about possible disturbances in the work of internal organs, since nails as a structure are extremely sensitive to such changes. Dermatologist Irina Skorogudaeva told about this in an interview..

The specialist explained that the condition of the nails depends on the blood flow, and the pathologies of the organs of the blood supply system are always reflected in their appearance.. Skorogudaeva noticed that.


Also, according to the condition of the nail plates, one can judge the possible development of diseases of other organs.. Increased dryness of the nails, making them very brittle, is one of the signs of hypothyroidism (decreased activity of the thyroid gland).

In addition, the appearance of nails, their color changes in the presence of kidney disease, renal failure, and their structure - due to adverse processes caused by liver damage.

Other possible diseases due to which nails can change are pulmonary diseases, pathologies of the endocrine system, psoriasis.

Formerly MedikForum portal. ru wrote about what dangerous disorders in the body may indicate a feeling of numbness.

https: // www. medikforum. ru /.


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