3 common mistakes in treating a sore throat

31 March 2021, 07:51 | Health
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3 common mistakes in treating a sore throat When a sore throat suffers, many uncontrollably drink pills or resort to " Yellmed explains how such unauthorized express treatment can turn out.

Error 1. Take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.

The throat may be sore due to bacteria, fungus, or a virus. Moreover, in more than 80% of cases, the disease is caused precisely by a viral infection, from which antibiotics are powerless - they only kill bacteria and fungi. But even if the examination confirmed that the cause of the sore throat is in them, you can not drink antibiotics without the appointment of a specialist.. Unauthorized use of these drugs can provoke dangerous complications - rash, diarrhea, allergic reactions.

There are other health risks: with the wrong antibiotic choice or dosage, bacteria and fungi survive and grow stronger.. As a result, drugs that used to help stop fighting infectious agents..

Error 2. Get carried away with steam inhalation and rinsing.

One of the common " Such procedures really relieve pain, but only if they are correctly and moderately performed..

If gargled too much, soda or saline solutions can further erode an already sore throat and the pain will only worsen.. Steam inhalation can burn the laryngeal mucosa. And the habit of adding essential oils to water to enhance the effect is fraught with allergies and suffocation..

Error 3. Take dissolving tablets uncontrollably.

Many people perceive them as harmless candy with an analgesic effect.. When the pill is in the mouth, the throat does not hurt - it means you need to dissolve them one by one. However, the pill should act quickly and relieve pain for a long time.. If there is no effect, the medicine is not suitable or does not work, so a multiple increase in the dose will not help.. You should consult with your doctor about replacing it..

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