Experts: Time of Day Affects Disease Risk

22 March 2021, 10:13 | Health
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Scientists have found a relationship between the time of day and the likelihood of developing certain pathologies. Basically, the human body is vulnerable to infections in the evening, writes Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. And there are reasons for this..

In an experiment, laboratory mice were infected with herpes and influenza viruses. Some animals were infected in the morning, others - at night..

According to the data obtained, the second group became infected 10 times faster than the first..

The internal clock of living organisms has a direct impact on the level of immunity and defenses.. Apparently, by the evening, the rate of formation of antibodies and immune cells decreases.. As a result, the barrier against infectious agents is weakened.

The discovery, scientists believe, will help to better understand the mechanisms of the development of epidemics.

aspekty. net.

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