Unusual symptom of liver cancer named

19 March 2021, 14:56 | Health
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An unusual symptom of liver cancer was named British doctors said that liver cancer can manifest itself in very unusual ways.

So, one of the symptoms of this disease is pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe scapula, reports Express.

Experts clarified that the tumor or its metastases irritate the nerves that transmit the pain signal.. Although the source of the discomfort is in the liver, pain may appear in the right shoulder or affect the entire back..

Liver Cancer Has Other Signs. Among them: yellowish skin color, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and unusual color of urine (too dark or, conversely, too light).

Another study found coffee could help reduce the risk of liver cancer. Two to three cups a day reduce the chance of getting sick by 38%, and five cups by 41%.

In addition, scientists have recommended to devote time to physical exercise - they help to avoid the most dangerous type of cancer..

An experiment with laboratory mice showed that running inhibited the development of malignant cells.

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