Morning habits for those looking to lose weight

19 March 2021, 03:49 | Health
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TOP 10 good habits.

You don't have to completely change your lifestyle to lose weight.. Start your day with simple habits, and those extra pounds will disappear (and will not return) by themselves.. info with a link to the Course.

Losing weight is often a tricky process. But what if you do not need to lose weight much, but it is enough to lose just a few extra kilos gained over the winter. To do this, it is not at all necessary to view all food and lifestyle in general.. It is enough to introduce into your day, or rather, in your morning, 10 good habits.

Eat more protein for breakfast.

Breakfast sets the course for the day. It is he who determines whether you will feel full for as long as possible or reach for a snack before lunch.. A high protein breakfast can help reduce food cravings and lose weight. Protein lowers hunger hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for increasing appetite - you will definitely not want to eat for a long time.

Add protein sources such as Greek yogurt, cheese, nuts to your breakfast.

Drink plenty of water.

An easy way to speed up weight loss is to start your morning with one or two glasses of water.. It helps to increase energy expenditure and the number of calories burned by the body, speeding up the metabolism by an average of 30%.

Studies have shown that overweight women who increased their water intake lost 2 kg more during the year without even making any changes in diet or physical activity..

Plus, water reduces appetite..

Be in the sun.

Open the curtains in the morning and let the sun into the room, or spend a little longer outside than usual. Research shows that exposure to even moderate sunlight can affect weight by suppressing weight gain.

The sun is a source of vitamin D, and a normal amount helps prevent weight gain and helps you lose weight more easily.

The amount of time spent in the sun depends on your skin type, season and location. However, on average 10-15 minutes of sunbathing each morning has a very positive effect on weight loss..

Do at least one exercise.

Exercise in the morning helps maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. And its low level contributes to the sharp onset of hunger.. Morning exercises are especially useful for diabetics..

It is not necessary to complete the whole complex - one or two exercises are enough. Some can be done without getting out of bed. Everything will do you good.

Plan your lunch.

In fact, this can be done even the night before.. And the best thing is not just to think about what you will eat tomorrow, but to prepare the lunch yourself and pack it. This will give you some free time in the morning and help yourself lose weight.. Meal planning will not only help you eat a certain portion (and therefore not overeat), but also save you from spontaneous, not always healthy snacks..

Scientists claim that those who eat homemade food 5 times a week are 28% less likely to gain significant weight than those who eat less than 3 times a week..

Allow yourself to sleep longer.

Better, of course, to go to bed earlier, but you can set the alarm at a later time. This will help not only sleep, but also lose weight..

Lack of sleep increases appetite and especially increases cravings for high-calorie and carbohydrate foods. Those who sleep 4-6 hours consume an average of 560 kcal more than those who sleep the required 8:00.

Give up the car.

Using public transportation, cycling and of course walking contributes to weight loss much more than a car.. Drivers gain more weight, according to scientists. Quitting the car even a few times a week is already helping to accelerate weight loss..

healthystyle. info.

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