What prevents you from losing weight: it is important to know

11 March 2021, 03:14 | Health
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In order to lose weight in a healthy way, you need to give your body physical activity, balance your diet, believe in your own strength and surround yourself with people who will support you at all costs.. However, sometimes we do everything right, but we can't lose weight.. We will consider the reasons that may prevent you from losing weight..

Poor oxygen delivery Our body uses mainly two " If the body has problems with one of them, then millions of our cells will not be able to work correctly, and it is they who produce the basic energy resource for the body, which allows it to function fully.

If cells do not receive enough oxygen, then many processes will be disrupted, including weight loss.. If you suspect you have similar problems, see your doctor.. If your assumptions are correct, your doctor will prescribe the treatment you need..

Blood sugar problems Blood sugar balance is the foundation of all diets. The cause for a sugar problem may be insulin resistance - chronically high blood sugar or hypoglycemia - swings in blood sugar. In the first case, a high level of insulin in the body leads to metabolic dysfunction.. In the second case, surges in insulin and adrenaline prevent the body from functioning normally and stimulate weight loss..

You can find out about your blood sugar level by taking a blood test and consulting your doctor..

The system of secretion and splitting of adrenaline Cortisol is one of the hormones important for the body, produced by the adrenal glands.. Its function is to increase blood sugar levels so that the body can cope with stress.. Problems begin when stressful situations flow into a chronic state.

Elevated cortisol means elevated insulin levels, which means that the body is not able to respond normally to diet and exercise and, accordingly, burn excess fat with them..

You can get more information about your adrenal glands and cortisol levels from your doctor with a four-step saliva test..

Digestive system Proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to your health and weight loss. You can find out if everything is in order with your digestive system by observing whether you have any of the following symptoms that indicate stomach problems:

gas, bloating, belching after eating, insufficient digestion (heaviness in the stomach after eating), undigested food.

Digestive issues can completely negate all your weight loss efforts.

Remember that physiological factors are strong and can get in the way when trying to lose weight.. If you have any suspicions that your body is not working properly - consult a doctor, get tested, get tested. Take care of your health - this is the key to your ideal figure.

nedug. ru.

Based on materials: nedug.ru

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