The Ministry of Health named age groups with high COVID mortality

05 March 2021, 03:59 | Health
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More than 50% of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine are recorded among patients over the age of 70.

Deputy Minister of Health and Chief State Sanitary Doctor Viktor Lyashko announced this at a briefing, Ukrinform reports..

" And if we add 10 years to this group, that is, 60+, then this is all 82% of deaths that occur in Ukraine as a result of coronavirus infection, "

According to the Deputy Minister, at present, people in the 50-59 age group are most often infected - 21% of all cases. In second place in terms of frequency of infection - the age group 40-49 years.

He added that the high mortality among patients connected to a ventilator, caused by the exhaustion of the patient's body. Lyashko said that the patient is connected to the ventilator only when the resources of non-invasive oxygen support are exhausted.

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