Proper nutrition and cleansing of the body: what is important to remember

05 March 2021, 01:46 | Health
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The need to cleanse the body.

The discovery of the possibility and necessity of cleansing the body occurred when researchers discovered that sick people can recover again by learning to remove toxins from their bodies..

The purpose of cleansing the body is to eliminate the cause of the disease before you get sick, while medication usually fights the disease that has already hit the body..

The main purpose of cleansing the body is to rid it of toxic metabolic products and other pollutants that appear as a result of over-processing of products that have lost their original natural properties, inhalation of polluted air, drinking musty water and living under artificial lighting and in conditions of emotional stress..

Cleansing the body with herbs and pure nutrients is the key to restoring a healthy and nourishing environment both in and around our bodies..

The problem of cleansing the body has been the main method of healing in many cultures for thousands of years.. For many hundreds of years, the indigenous people of America practiced fasting in combination with medicinal herbs, and many tribes continue to practice special ceremonies for physical, mental and spiritual cleansing..

We absorb food, and, as it passes through the body, it is crushed, digested, absorbed, the excess is removed from the body. A person has organs responsible for removing harmful substances: intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin.

In order for these organs to function well, the body must be provided with a high vital potential, i.e.. energy capabilities. The food route is quite long: from the mouth to the rectum, and a person needs a huge amount of vital energy to pass a large amount of food through the entire intestinal tract and fluid through 2 million kidney filters.. Vital energy is also spent on the chemical processes of the liver and gallbladder, on enriching 5-8 liters of blood with oxygen in the lungs and on removing carbon dioxide from the body..

Vital energy is also necessary for the skin with millions of pores through which toxic substances in the form of sweat are removed..

The role of life force is explained by the provision of energy aimed at removing from the body poisons formed during the processing of food. Vitality maintains body temperature at 36.6 ° C (a painful condition is noted with an increase and decrease in this indicator). In the modern civilized world, the body and its vitality have many enemies - poisons that must be dealt with, those poisons that the person himself creates.

The largest percentage of all toxic compounds is concentrated in the air.. A person inhales many toxic substances from the air, which the body must fight against in order to survive in this atmosphere.. In large cities, where the atmosphere is especially polluted, there are many patients with lung diseases, suffering from heart disease, as they breathe polluted air.

A terrible mixture of soot and smoke from incinerators and smelters of factories, the exhaust gases of chemical plants, cars and buses make a terrible cocktail out of the air that people breathe. Air pollution is a real threat to our health and life.

Rivers, lakes and streams on Earth are also heavily polluted.. Making water potable requires the use of special chemical methods.. For the purification of drinking water, inorganic substances are used - chlorine, alum and some others.

The human body is able to assimilate only organic substances (of animal and plant origin). Any inorganic substance is removed from the body (of course, with the expenditure of vital energy). If a person is on the verge of depletion of his vitality, then many of the inorganic substances accumulate in the tissues, which leads to great damage to health in the future.. Most bodies of water are polluted by sewage, and all of them must be chemically treated. But these inorganic substances must be removed from the body, otherwise they will cause terrible harm..

If the vitality of the body decreases and it cannot resist the action of these inorganic substances with the help of its excretory system, in this case they remain in the body and cause disastrous consequences..

Poisoning by chemical aerosols.

Tons of toxic substances, sprayed into the air, not only kill insect pests, but also remain on fruits and vegetables, which we then eat. Salads made with these vegetables can be deadly due to being sprayed with pesticides..

Fruit and vegetable crops are now very often treated with chemical pesticides. Therefore, you should be careful not to endanger your health and poison yourself with pesticides..

More and more food is being treated with pesticides. A high percentage of agricultural products are sprayed with various poisons, including hydrocarbons, including DDT, phosphorus compounds and other substances. Infection of vegetables occurs not only when spraying the ground part of the plants.

Pesticides, getting into the soil, remain there for many months and are subsequently absorbed by other plants grown in this field.. Getting with other substances from the soil, the poison penetrates into the fruit of the plant and is not removed from it.. Poisons are not destroyed during cooking, they remain poisons even after heat treatment.

Paraffin on fruits and vegetables is hazardous to health. The wax shell forms a protective layer for the fruit, which prevents the loss of water and juices, preserves the taste and fresh appearance. But this layer is very harmful to health..

Once in the human body, it cannot be absorbed by the intestines. Paraffin is a refined product, and the human body is not adapted to its processing. Dangerous wax is deposited in the body and can cause disease.

New poisons invade food. Over 1000 synthetic nutritional supplements are included in the regular diet. Their presence in food leads to a large number of diseases.. For example, a regular loaf of industrial white bread is processed, dyed, flavored, peeled, enriched, softened, canned. And all this with the help of synthetic chemical ingredients. Currently, it is difficult to purchase products free of aromatization and synthetic food additives..

The human body consists of a collection of many cells. With a normal diet, if your food meets the basic needs for growth and function, these cells will allow for long life.. But when a person does not take into account his body, breathes dirty air, pollutes his food and changes its composition with synthetic chemicals, this inevitably harms him, his cells, which cannot adapt to such substances.

As a result, a person develops various diseases.. The body cannot function well if it is loaded with synthetic food additives. Therefore, it is necessary to eat natural products, try to avoid their chemical processing..

Salt Consumption May Be Harmful to Health. Salt is not food, it is used as a spice to improve the taste of food.. It has no nutritional value. Salt does not contain vitamins, organic or any valuable nutrients. In large quantities, table salt is harmful and can cause a lot of harm to the heart, arteries and other blood vessels, gall and bladder, kidneys, bringing their functioning to a critical state..

Salt helps flush calcium out of the body. But it is necessary to note the positive aspects of the use of table salt.. It maintains the water-salt balance in the body, is able to retain water in the body, acting on the mucous membranes lining the entire gastrointestinal tract. It also increases the excitability of the nervous system.. Over the millennia, the widespread use of salt has become an ingrained habit.. However, many peoples, for example, never eat salt and do not suffer from it..

In the soil and, accordingly, in plants, there is a lack of sodium and an excess of potassium. As a result, animals and humans needed to replenish sodium deficiency.. They found a replacement in the form of inorganic sodium chloride, or table salt.. But after excessive salt intake, there is a sudden and abnormal thirst..

The stomach reacts to excess salt as a foreign substance and makes a quick attempt to wash it off with a stream of water and remove it by the kidneys.. Of all the organs of the human body, the kidneys are most susceptible to the negative effects of excess salt.. If the body receives more salt than the kidneys can process, the excess is deposited in various parts of the body, especially in the feet and lower leg, leading to swelling of the legs.

Natural sodium is enough in fish, meat, vegetables and other foods without salt treatment.. This sodium may well meet the normal needs of the body.. But the daily amount of table salt is not defined..

The figures, based on the opinions of scientists, range from 0.5 to 1 g of salt per day. This dose can be absorbed by the body. A large amount of salt is present in almost all foods: bread, cheese, meat products (ham, bacon, stew), canned vegetables and other foods.

The body needs natural sodium, which is nothing more than an inorganic mineral. The body can get natural sodium by eating beets, celery, carrots, potatoes, turnips, seaweed, watercress and other natural products..

Thus, minerals can only be absorbed by our cells in the form of organic food..

Other habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs) lead to a breakdown and illness of the body. Bad habits deplete energy reserves, the body weakens. Decreased energy leads to disruption of the entire excretory system: skin, lungs, intestines, kidneys. These organs cannot function at full capacity. And then the toxins are not completely eliminated from the body, they gradually accumulate and cause terrible harm..

With an improper lifestyle, the level of vitality decreases, poisons do not leave the body, responding to diseases of those organs in which they are concentrated. These constantly accumulating poisons are fraught with future human diseases.. Autointoxication is the worst evil in the fight for a long, healthy life. Worst of all, autointoxication increases, accumulates. To overcome it, you need cleansing, fasting, proper natural nutrition and a healthy lifestyle..

Autointoxication is the worst enemy, the true cause of almost all diseases, since it begins with blood poisoning. It is a source of diseases affecting the heart, arteries, joints, liver, kidneys.. Poisoning is the root cause of premature aging. Keeping the blood clean is only half the battle. With overeating and improper nutrition, the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine are intensified, a shift in balance is created and thereby microbes multiply in the intestine.

One of the basic principles of food hygiene and hygienic regulation, aimed at detoxifying food products and activating the body's self-purification processes, should be the protection of the purity of the human internal environment..

In order to start cleansing the body, you must follow several rules:.

1) eat fresh, unrefined and unprocessed food;

2) avoid rich fatty foods;

3) eat slowly while sitting at the table;

4) choose foods rich in complex carbohydrates and high quality fiber (whole grains and beans);

5) avoid eating refined white and brown sugar, as well as foods containing them;

6) beware of foods containing synthetic colors and flavors, preservatives and large amounts of sodium;

7) avoid any alcoholic beverages;

8) do not consume caffeine (coffee, iced tea, cola and non-herbal tea);

9) train your body and your imagination.

Compliance with these rules is the way to return the body to a healthy, balanced state..

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