What fruits are dangerous for diabetics

01 March 2021, 05:30 | Health
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Fruits are very healthy, but there are those that contain a large amount of sugar.. If you eat them in large quantities, it can negatively affect weight, and also increase the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood, reports HealthyStyle. info with a link to the Course.

Mango. This fruit is high in fiber and other important nutrients.. Moreover, one ripe fruit contains 45 g of sugar. It should be consumed in very small quantities, according to Pannochka, an Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net Cherry. A cup of cherries contains a whopping 23 grams of sugar.


Many people believe that this product can be consumed literally in unlimited quantities, as it is 90% water.. However, for example, a small slice of watermelon contains 17 g of sugar..

Grapes. Grapes have many beneficial properties, but they should be eaten with caution, since in a cup of grapes, for example, 23 g of sugar.

Pear. It seems to many that there is not much sugar in it.. But in one medium-sized pear, there are as many as 17 grams of this sweet product, according to The Health Site..

healthystyle. info.

Based on materials: pannochka.net

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