Hyperthyroidism. Part 1

30 January 2021, 01:17 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Negative nitrogen balance is characteristic of hyperthyroidism. The elements of the reticuloendothelial system do not show a tendency to fat deposition.. In contrast, in most cases of hyperthyroidism, obese subjects experience a rapid loss of fat reserves.. The metabolism of salts under the influence of hyperthyroidism is little studied.. Increased excretion of phosphorus through the intestines was noted. The hydrophilicity of tissue colloids decreases.

The body's heat exchange under the influence of increased secretion of the thyroid gland also changes dramatically. Heat production increases sharply, as a result of intensification of exothermic processes in the body. Heat transfer also increases. This increase is not only a consequence of increased heat production, but also vasomotor disorders.. The easily occurring fluctuations in vascular tone make the Gravesians very sensitive to ambient temperature.. Usually, for the indicated reasons (increased heat production and hyperemia of the skin vessels), they have a subjective feeling of heat: Graves often sleeps under a sheet even in winter..

The excitability of the nervous system under the influence of hyperthyroidism increases in the area of \u200b\u200bboth vegetative and animal parts of it.. This increased excitability of the nervous system is usually associated with insufficient stability of its tone.. This affects all manifestations of the body's vital activity, from muscle tremor to disorderly, reflexive, associated with increased sensitivity and reduced inhibitory ability by the nature of manifestations of higher nervous activity. Hyperthyroidism often creates the characteristic features of a hysterical temperament.

Sexual development under the influence of hyperthyroidism is somewhat accelerated, but usually proceeds quite harmoniously with the sexual type. Sexual functions usually weaken only by the onset of the cachectic period. Up to this point, hyperthyroidism rather increases sexual tendencies.. The delayed sexual development observed in some cases of Graves' disease, sexual infantilism is not a direct consequence of hyperthyroidism and arises, possibly as a result of partial dysthyroidism or, rather, pluriglandular insufficiency.

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