What foods are required in the diet of pregnant women: 6 key micronutrients

15 January 2021, 21:00 | Health
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The condition of the fetus in the womb depends on the nutrition of the expectant mother.

Folate Folic acid is necessary for the normal growth of organs, tissues of the fetus, it suppresses the development of anemia. It is abundant in leafy greens, beans, bananas, oranges, milk, broccoli.. It is advisable to consume at least 0.4 mg of folic acid daily. A serving of vegetables, fruits, approximately 0.04 mg of folate, and a serving of cereals contains the daily value.

Vitamin D Ladies, who endure the main period of pregnancy in the warm season, receive a " If this is not possible, you need to actively lean on foods rich in vitamin D: whole milk, liver, fatty fish, eggs, shrimp, porridge.

Iron Regulates the growth of the fetus, is responsible for the formation of hemoglobin in the baby's blood. Recommended Daily Allowance for Pregnant Women is 30 mg. To ensure the norm, the diet should contain meat, fish, liver, plums, raisins, dried apricots. True, you should not get carried away with the liver - you can get an excess of vitamin A.

Zinc Strengthens the mother's immune system, making pregnancy and childbirth easier. Daily intake of about 15 mg. You can find this trace element in the same food as iron..

Calcium A growing fetus draws calcium from the mother's bone tissue, therefore, a micronutrient deficiency in food will not affect the development of the baby in the womb, but can "

On the day, the expectant mother needs about 1200 mg of this component..

One of the symptoms of a lack of calcium in a woman's body is high blood pressure. Daily consumption of 3-4 glasses of milk, several servings of fermented milk products will help to fill the gap.

Vitamin C A healthy level of this vitamin makes the body resistant to many ailments. Sources of vitamin C - citrus fruits and juices from them, kiwi, green peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower. The daily allowance for non-smoking ladies is 70 mg; smokers should triple it.

Source: https: // news. yellmed. ru / Keywords:.

Based on materials: news.yellmed.ru

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