Development of polycystic ovary syndrome: treatment

15 January 2021, 03:24 | Health
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A syndrome is a collection of symptoms. That is, the signs of a certain disease are determined, which develop either in a certain sequence or simultaneously.. It is important that they all manifest themselves in the pathological process.. As a rule, the sum of clinical signs is typical for many diseases.. Therefore, the syndrome is taken out as a separate nosological form, according to Pannochka, an Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net In this case, diseases are not indicated, since their causes are either completely different or unknown, as in the case of polycystic ovary syndrome, which was first described by scientists Stein and Leventhal. Subsequently, based on the pathological picture, this syndrome was designated as ovarian sclerocystosis. To date, the World Health Organization has finally consolidated the term - polycystic ovary syndrome, recommended for doctors around the world. In addition, due to the improvement in the diagnosis of diseases, the reason for the development of such a condition is already known..

Development of polycystic ovary syndrome: treatment The main problem that contributes to the development of polycystic ovary is insulin resistance.. This is a condition in which cells and tissues lose the ability to absorb glucose.. At the same time, the amount of insulin initially remains sufficient.. Then its production by the pancreas is reduced due to exhaustion. Disabling insulin receptors increases the sensitivity of tissues to adrenocorticotropic hormone, which triggers the mechanism of glucose production inside the body. For organs suffering from a lack of glucose, such a measure is a compensatory. But, the increased release of adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone. And he, in turn, affects the ovarian tissue, which leads to an increased synthesis of male hormones. The follicles that appear do not turn into eggs, and polycystic ovary syndrome is formed, the treatment of which is aimed at inducing ovulation.

Methods for the treatment of polycystic ovary:.




The first treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome was surgical. It was believed that the thickened membrane of the ovary does not allow the egg to go beyond its limits. Therefore, a method of resection of ovarian tissue was proposed.. Ovarian tissue was cut in a cone-shaped manner with a large capture of the membrane and a smaller one - the stroma of the organ. As a rule, after such an intervention, the synthesis of progesterone - the main hormone of pregnancy, without which ovulation is impossible.

Today, surgical treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome is considered an extreme measure, when all other methods do not bring a positive result.. Modern operations are performed using a laparoscope, with much less ovarian tissue removed (ovarian drilling). However, even such operations should be refrained from, since surgery increases metabolic disorders. In addition, there is a high risk of cardiovascular disease after ovarian resection.. After such an intervention, a loss of ovarian reserve occurs, which, inevitably, entails a premature menopause..

Metabolic therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome is aimed at increasing the sensitivity of cells and body tissues to insulin. Drugs are used that promote the absorption of glucose from the blood, inhibit the production of their own carbohydrates in the liver and inhibit the absorption of glucose in the stomach. They are biguanides that are used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes..

Hormonal treatments are performed to reduce androgen production and stimulate egg release. Of course, the latter goal is pursued in the fight against infertility..

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Pregnancy Since the absence of ovulation is due to low levels of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, conception is impossible with polycystic ovary syndrome, and pregnancy does not occur even with monthly bleeding, which, in fact, is not menstruation..

On ultrasound, enlarged ovaries with a " When, as a result of hormonal or metabolic therapy, an egg is nevertheless formed, all other follicles from the "

Therefore, when the treatment is effective, we are not talking about polycystic ovary syndrome, and pregnancy develops according to a known mechanism. Any factors can be the cause of the threat of miscarriage, but not the state of the follicles in the ovaries.

Pregnancy occurs after taking Siofor (metformin) for six months. Or after induced ovulation, which stimulation for more than three months in a row is categorically contraindicated. Further impact on ovarian tissue does not have the desired effect, but increases the risk of an oncological process.

Polycystic ovary syndrome:

treatment with folk remedies As a rule, folk medicine has a specific goal, therefore, treatment with non-traditional or traditional means for polycystic ovary syndrome is aimed at combating infertility and uterine bleeding caused by hyperplastic endometrial processes.

Vitex, or Abraham's tree, stimulates the production of progesterone, thereby causing ovulation. A decoction or alcoholic infusion of Vitex fruits is recommended to be taken daily for three months. However, in practice, ovulation occurs in the next cycle..

With polycystic ovary syndrome, treatment with folk remedies that improve liver function, helps to normalize metabolism.

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