6113 new cases of Covid-19 detected in Ukraine per day

27 December 2020, 12:30 | Health
photo glavnoe.ua
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6113 new cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19 recorded in Ukraine as of December 27, 2020. Including, 277 children and 153 health workers fell ill.

This was reported in the Ministry of Health.

Also over the past day:.

hospitalized - 1674 people;

deaths - 72;

recovered - 6621 people;

tests carried out per day - 24978 (in particular by PCR method - 19543, by ELISA method - 5435).

For the entire time of the pandemic in Ukraine:.

got sick - 1025989 people;

recovered - 658 538 people;

deaths - 17,774;

PCR tests - 5472989.

Over the past day, the largest number of confirmed cases was registered in. Kiev (718), Dnepropetrovsk (537), Odessa (515), Zaporozhye (453) and Nikolaev (414) regions.

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