Caring for cancer patients receiving harmonotherapy

27 December 2020, 08:06 | Health
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Hormonal chemotherapy drugs are prescribed mainly to those cancer patients who have hormone-dependent neoplasms. This treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis..

The drugs affect not only the neoplasm, but also disrupt the metabolism. In addition, violations can occur from the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive system. Immunity decreases and hematopoietic organs are inhibited.

The appointment of androgenic drugs is used in the case of breast cancer, the main consequence of such therapy is the appearance of male sexual characteristics in the patient. Amenorrhea occurs, the voice becomes coarser, facial hair appears, acne appears. It is clear that the patient is going through deep psychological experiences, therefore, the support of relatives is very important for her.

With prolonged treatment with male sex hormones, climacteric neurosis occurs, there is a risk of obesity, edema of hypertension, the concentration of calcium and sodium increases. The patient must be under the supervision and supervision of a physician.

The appointment of female sex hormones is used in the case of breast cancer in a woman and prostate in a man. There is a violation of the metabolism of vitamins and minerals. The concentration of calcium and sodium in the blood increases, and the content of potassium decreases. What can lead to hypercalcemia. Patients develop edema, weight increases. The work of the heart muscle is disrupted, angina pectoris and hypertension develop. Women may experience uterine bleeding, enlargement of a healthy mammary gland. The enlargement of the mammary glands is also noted in men, there are painful sensations. When treating with estrogen drugs, blood clotting increases, which can lead to the formation of blood clots, this is especially dangerous for those who suffer from varicose veins.

With prolonged estrogen therapy, hemoglobin decreases, as well as erythrocytes and platelets, and bleeding increases. Patients are monitored and constantly monitored.

Often, with estrogen therapy, patients develop nausea, decreased appetite, and upset stomach. But, as a rule, such manifestations soon disappear.. In this case, you must follow a lactic acid diet and limit salt intake..

Cystitis often occurs, which can be quickly eliminated with medication.

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