Cancer causes and prevention

27 December 2020, 05:50 | Health
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Cancer is an internal enemy that cannot always be protected from. There is no one single cause of cancer, even armed with information, it is not always possible to protect yourself from the disease. The risk of oncological disease doubles every 5 years.

In simple words, at the age of sixty, the risk of a tumor is 10 times higher than at the age of forty, and 50 times higher than at the age of twenty.. The risk does not so much depend on external factors as on the wear and tear of the body, its predisposition or cell mutations. Mortality from other diseases is decreasing, the number of elderly people is increasing, so the percentage of deaths from cancer is increasing.

As prevention, the following measures are shown: rejection of bad habits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but even this cannot fully guarantee us that we will not be hit by this ailment, because not everything always depends on us and our lifestyle. But it is in our power to influence the disease, for this it is important to regularly undergo diagnostics and start treatment of diseases that can then lead to oncology..

Causes and spread of cancer The reasons can be both external factors and internal.

Prevention of cancer Measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Why it is important to carry out early diagnosis and start treatment on time Any disease detected at an early stage responds better to treatment, the recovery rate is higher, and therapy will be more effective if the disease is detected in time.

Reasons why an oncological disease can be started The patient may consult a doctor too late, not suspecting that he has a disease, be afraid of the diagnosis or if he does not believe that he can be helped.

Self-examination Pay attention to any lumps, stains or any other abnormalities and seek medical attention immediately.

Self-examination of the mammary glands Breast cancer is most common among women, so you need to understand the importance of self-examination of the mammary glands, palpate them for a nodule or seals.

Smoking Smoking is the cause of many diseases and one of the causes of cancer.

nedug. ru.

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