How to get rid of germs in an egg: an expert says

29 August 2020, 04:11 | Health
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Some of them, such as salmonella, are very dangerous..

Nutritionist Aitor Sanchez reminds: it is impossible to determine " But the risk of catching an infection always exists: it can be both in the product itself and in the container.. Writes about it Lavanguardia.

The expert gave some advice.

An egg should not be placed in a disinfectant: its shell has a porous structure that "

In the refrigerator, eggs should be isolated from other foods as much as possible..

They should be washed immediately before cooking, in other cases, if you need to remove dirt, just clean it with a dry brush, otherwise you can ruin the protective coating of the product.

A raw egg removed from its shell should not touch kitchen tables and other surfaces.

Only a well-cooked product can be eaten: pathogenic microorganisms contained in eggs die at temperatures above 75 ° C.

Source: https: // news. yellmed. ru /.


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