Lack of sleep deprives a person of positive emotions

25 August 2020, 09:20 | Health
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Those who don't get enough sleep risk their emotional well-being. And even health - due to the high susceptibility to accidents.

Psychologists from Norway conducted an experiment among people who slept at home in their beds for less than seven hours, writes MedicalNewsToday.

The eleven-day study involved 52 healthy adults aged 18 to 35. The next day they were not depressed or depressed, however, they experienced much less positive emotions.. The ability to rejoice faded away.

Experts note:

staying late at work, studying at school, and then doing homework for a long time is a way of life, because of which a person ceases to cope with stress, cannot adequately respond to negative events.

Having slept less than usual, study participants behaved more impulsively, were more likely to make mistakes. Because a lack of quality night sleep is a direct path to cognitive and emotional impairment, deterioration of well-being.

Research has also shown that women are more vulnerable to the effects of sleep deprivation than men..

Source: https: // news. yellmed. ru /.


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