WHO fixes new daily record for coronavirus infections

17 August 2020, 13:48 | Health
photo Електронні Вісті
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The World Health Organization (WHO) has recorded nearly 300,000 new infections in the past 24 hours, a record daily increase since the beginning of the pandemic.

WHO announced this on Saturday evening, August 15. At the same time, according to experts, a significant number of infections are simply not recorded by statistics.. There are countries that don't even do tests.

According to WHO, in 24 hours, 294 thousand new cases of infection were recorded, which is 2 thousand more than the previous record set on July 31. Hardest hit countries in absolute numbers - USA, Brazil and India. More than 21 million infections since the start of the pandemic. The number of deaths exceeds 755 thousand. Situation worsens in Germany 1415 new infections were recorded in Germany on Saturday, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). This indicator slightly decreased after the maximum value since May 1, reached the day before..

In total, the virus was detected in 222 828 people in the Federal Republic, 9231 patients died, 6 deaths occurred in the past day.

In Russia, the number of new infections still exceeds the threshold of 5000. Over the past day, 5,061 new infections and 119 deaths among patients with COVID-19 have been identified in the country, follows from the data of the operational headquarters. In total, coronavirus infection was detected in 917 884 people in the country, 15 617 patients died, 729 411 recovered. Reported by Deutsche Welle.

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