Fiber makes you feel full

15 August 2020, 14:05 | Health
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Many vegetarian dishes allow you to forget about hunger for a long time. Scientists explain why this is due. As it turns out, fiber and plant proteins make the stomach feel full.. As a result, you want to eat less.. Experts call beans one of the most effective products for weight loss, according to Pannochka, an Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net Note that heavy protein foods, such as red meat, do not have this effect. In the experiment, volunteers were asked to eat a regular cutlet or a vegetarian alternative made from legumes.

After eating a plant-based meal, the volunteers were satiated and consumed 12% fewer calories the next meal.. Apparently, a high amount of fiber in food really helps in losing weight..

Vegetarianism is one of the ways to lose weight, writes The Daily Mail. However, you need to monitor the diet for any type of food.. Only by eliminating unhealthy fats and fast carbohydrates can catabolic processes aimed at breaking down your own fats be triggered.

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